Monday, March 5, 2018


You just can’t stop playing games with me
You play me like a puppet on a string
Why are you being so mean
You are just a big flirt
All you want to do is throw me to the dirt
Go on girl leave me alone
Stop playing games with my heart and soul

You flash your beauty in my face
That’s not class it feels as bad as mace
Why must you act like a slut
I don’t go out with mutts
Be who you are and let your beauty shine through
Just flashing it at me is just rude

If you are going to act like a whore
March your ass on out that door
You are just wasting my time
Don’t give me any of your lines
They’re nothing more than just lies
Just be you
Always be true

You still giving me your jive
Shut up please your hurting my ears
The sight of you hurts my eyes
Must you carry on this way
With all you do
With all you say
Be yourself and nothing more
No need acting like a whore

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