Saturday, July 25, 2020


Serve your Lord with full dedication and sacrifice

It is your opponents whose line will end


This world is full of darkness 

It is easy to get lost in the crowd

As Christians we must stand out

Be set apart from the world around us

God's light is bright

We are to be reflecters of that light

So there will be light upon the path

A safe place to trod.



To you

Lord most high

Father of life

Amazing you are

Worthy of praise

Heard from all




Jesus Christ

You are my Lord and Savior

I will praise your name throughout the Earth

You’ve saved my life

From my sinful life

You reached out your hand

You pulled me to my feet


With your blood Lord

You have gone and saved me

Now I praise you

For your holiness


You are Lord of my life

I will praise you

I will kneel at your feet


O Lord divine

I praise your holy name


Jesus my Lord

I know you have saved me

You pulled me from Hell’s awesome fire

When I fall down

You help me up

You are my Lord

I praise your holy name


Jesus Christ

You are my Lord forever

I will sing

I will praise you my king


Christ is the Lord

I’ll praise his name forever

I’ll raise him up on high

For he is my God and King


O Lord Divine

I praise your awesome name


Jesus Christ

Jesus Crist

You are my Lord and Savior

To you I give all praise


You have saved me

You have raised me

From a pit of despair

I am so glad that I trust you


You have freed me

You will lead me

From my sin into your way

Wherever I go I will sing


You hold my heart

In the palms of your hands

You never let it go asunder

I will praise you with all that I am

Whenever I can I will sing

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...