Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Jim (short Story)

"Deny your faith or die" He said while pointing a gun at my head.  "Pull the trigger" I said calmly.
          My name is Jim I am a Christian, my life gets threatened daily, God always shows me a way out.  To continue the good fight.  My life is threatened by those who hate God and all those who call upon his Holy name, evil no good people that they are. Yet God loves them and I not should hate them, but pray for them.  I have been shot at (as well as shot), I have been in prison, I have been chained to a wall.  Both with my feet on the ground and with my feet dangling in the air.
          It is only by the grace and mercy of God that I have survived this long.  I have seen churches burnt down.  Friends and family shot and killed some hung on crosses.  Still God has let me move on.  To spite the pain he gives me strength and courage.  In my loneliness he gives me comfort.  For I must fight the good fight.  Preaching God's word whenever and wherever I can, until the Lord calls me home.  Showing kindness in the face of darkness and evil.  For I have been set upon a path.  I must see that path to the end.

          Jim here wishing Godspeed and strength to all my Christian brothers and sisters out there.  Keep up the fight.  Though we may loose a few battles.  We will win this war.

Judy (Short Story)

This is my last night alive.  I meet the firing squad tomorrow.  They will kill me all for my faith in Christ.  I will meet their bullets bravely and with courage knowing that my reward in heaven is sure.  I pray for those on the squad, that God will not hold this against them (They are just following orders).  I pray for those that give the orders, that their eyes my be open to see the light of God.  I pray for my husband and children (Who are being forced to watch) that their faith my be strengthened by the example I show.

          When I became a Christian and started to boldly share my faith, I knew this would happen one day.  I am not mad, I am not sad.  I will soon be with my Lord, that makes me happy.


Today, you can decide to walk in freedom
You can choose to walk differently
You can walk as a free person
enjoying every step

This Stone

Upon this stone I write my name in blood
I do this for the sake of love
For your love you did take
Upon this stone my heart did break

No roses grow upon this stone
For the warmth and love you now withhold
Thorns now take their place
For the tears coming from my face

Upon this stone
I feel so cold
This coldness could freeze a man so bold
Though I am young
I feel quite old

Upon this stone
I am wrapped in chains
I don’t know if I can stand this pain
How to go on I do not know
Shall I forever remain upon this stone

Someone come and kill me now
For upon this stone I lower my brow
To take life’s final bow

Upon this stone wolves eat my remains
My body consumed while my blood stains
They eat the meat, but leave the bones
Of the man once upon this stone

Upon this stone
I will say
Though I am gone
My love shall forever remain



A voice is calling from the wilderness
A voice
The voice
The voice of he who called the world into being
The voice of he who calls the dead back to life
The voice of he who can heal wounds
Who gives hope to the hopeless
The voice of he who gives life eternal

You can hear him calling through
The thunder roll
You can hear him calling through
The pulsing of your heart

His voice
Is the voice of the weak
The oppressed
The lost child
Seeking it’s way back home
The voice of a baby crying

Every voice that calls out for help
Is his voice
Every answer to life’s cry for help
Is his voice

Now that you know his voice
Will you listen for it
Will you answer it’s call

The Potter

    There he sits at his potter’s wheel clay in his hands
As the wheel starts turning I began to understand
God is the potter and I am the clay, and he has shaped me in his way
He is not finished there is still more to do
A little more work on me and I will be like new
A great work by thy perfect hands
 Just like the potter with the clay in his hands

The Poet

The Poet is a speaker of the world
Or maybe a prophet true
For there is special meaning in all they say and do

A poet’s words are very close to the heart of man and beast
A poet’s words shall show the goal we seek
In a world of such mistrust and pain
It is the poet who sheds a light through the falling rain

A poet’s words always cause emotional flair
Most of these words have a calming air
Others speak words that just sound good
But really have no part
Within this complex thing we call the human heart

There is a place deep within the soul
This is a quiet place that poets know
In this place great words get their start
Poets dip deep within this pool
Pulling out works of art
Others see this spot
As a dark and lonely place
Dying and decaying
Completely void of  grace

If the world shall end
A poet would say it ended in a flash
There came about a mighty wind
Then the world did crash
Others would say that the world did end
They would leave it simply at that

Twisted Sister

Twisted sister
Twisted sister
Your twisted I’ll say that
You twist yourself into a loop
All while wearing a twisted hat

Twisted sister
Twisted sister
I’m sorry I had my doubt
You twisted yourself into a knot
However now you can’t twist out

What Is It

What is it
I don’t understand
Is it even
A part of the plan
What is it
I can not tell
Why does it make
Such a terrible smell

Is it short
Is it fat
Is it big
Is it flat

What is it

Is it round
Is it square
Is it for the land
Is it for the air

What is it

What is it
I need to know
What is it
Will it explode

You bring this thing
Within this room
I have to ask
Is it doom
There upon the desk it sits
The question still remains

What is it


How I loved her
What was her name
With eyes of blue
red hair like flame
Why I loved her
I can not explain
Please tell me
What was her name

Tall and slender
Skin soft as silk
Every time she spoke my name
It made the coldest day melt
I loved her then
I love her still today
Please tell me
What was her name

Her warm embrace
So full of power and grace
I loved to have her near
The worst sorrow turned to cheer
My heart beats for this girl
With hair of flame
Please tell me
What was her name

I love this girl
With hair of flame
Please someone please tell me
What was her name

She is one from my past
I would like to get back
I still seek her out today
Please oh please tell me
What was her name

For the love of all that is right
This is really driving me insane
For the sake of all that is holy

Tell me her name

When you’re in love

When you’re in love
There is nothing like it
Your whole world changes
You see things in a whole new way

When you’re in love
You stop thinking only of yourself
You start thinking of the one you care about
They become the center of your world
Nothing else matters
Just to be with them

When you’re in love
Nothing is he same anymore
Nothing will ever be the same again 

Where I was

I look at where I am
I look at where I've been
I can see where I have grown
As a person

I am not what I once was
Nor do I ever plan to return
I like who I am now

Word of God Speak

Word of God speak
Fill my heart and soul
May your voice guide me
Along life's road

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Machine 2

Some have been jailed
Some have been hunted down and executed
All for standing up for what they believe
Standing up for their rights

Each one
Fighting against the oppression that surrounds them
Fighting to be free
Fighting to destroy


The machine

The machine is taking over
Individualty is being lost
Everyone acts the same
Everyone looks the same
Everyone moves the same

The machine is taking over
Like a well oiled peice
The true self is no more
Only the machine is left
The true self lost
Lost in the crowd
Lost in the void
Lost to the world

Stepping in time with everyone else
Marching to the same
Rhythm and beat
Even eyes blinking
At the same time
All one mind
All one soul
All one thought

No more fun
No more free spirits
The machine will not allow it
No more free thinkers
No more joy
The machine is stern in its ways

The Graduates

Here they stand with wandering eyes
 Trying to decide what to do with their lives

 Some will go to college
Some will stay home
Some will find a job
Some will just roam 

Here they stand all in a line wandering how they can possibly Get through this night

The Forgotten Children

They stand on street corners
In allies
Or other places
You may not see them
However there they are
Victims of abuse
Victims of neglect
The forgotten
The lost
The hurting

They did nothing wrong
They were just born
All they wanted was to be loved

Why all the scorn
Why all the hatred
Why have they been turned out so young

They are all alone
No one to calm their fears
No one to dry their tears
No one to love them
No one to help them grow

They stand on street corners
In allies
Or other places
You may not see them
However there they are
Victims of abuse
Victims of neglect
The forgotten
The lost
The hurting

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...