Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Football (A Nort the Newt story)

In the forest grew a pine trees.  This pine tree produced some very largest pine cones.  These cones would be used in the annual Football game.  There was not just one game, but a marathon of games lasting all day.  The forest animals would devide up in many teams.  Then two teams would go at it the winner of that game would face the next team, and the winner of that game would face the next team.  While the loosing teams from the last two games would face off with each other, and on and on it went all day long. Each team was a mix of large, midieum, and small creatures.  A play would go something like this.  Elton the elk would kick off, Nort the newt would catch the pine cone with his tail who would carry it for a bit then fling it to Sally the salamander.  catching with her tail, she would then throw it to Bobby the bluejay.  Who would catch it in his claws, then drop it to Danny the deer.  The pine cone landing in his antlers.  Thus he would then run and make the  touchdown.  All this being done while trying to not get tackled by the other team, even Bobby the bluejay has to be careful of the birds on the other team and not getting knocked out of the sky.  These games were always fun, and everyone always enjoyed them.  Nobody cared about who won or who lost.  It was just a day for fun.

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