Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Great Bakery War (Short Story)

Flour spilt everywhere, cream filling caked on the walls and floor, powdered sugar dusted everywhere are just a few of the signs of the destruction that went on here today.
          Hello my name is Cheese Cake, on the sene here for the Bakery News Channel.  "Excuse me Mr.  Cream Puff can you tell us what happened?"  " I was just minding my own business, when I overheard the Doughnuts and the Cupcakes having a fight.  (not sure what about).  The fight grew and soon the Muffins had joined in.  Then every other baked good got in the act.  One of the doughnuts started throwing bags of powdered sugar around.  That knocked down a few.  the next thing I know cream filling and jelly filling went flying by.  I may be a cream puff put I know when it it is time to fight, because just then two cupcakes charged at me with forks.  I grabbed a rolling pin and knocked them both down.  Then someone hit me with a sheet pan from behind and that is when I blacked out.  Sorry I can't tell you any more."  " That's ok, hope you heal up soon."
           "Excuse me, Mr. Blueberry Muffin, what can you tell us?"  "All out war man, I almost got hit with a pan.  Someone made a slingshot using a rubber band and a cookie cutter, and they've been firing sprinkles and little bits of candy with it.  I filled someone with so much filling they burst.  As you can see, someone got me with a grater.  Look out here comes another powdered sugar explosion."
          "Well this has been an interesting day.  However still no closer to what started the war."  "You want to know what started the war?"  Yes, do you know something Mr. Doughnut?"  "Know something, Hell I was there.  It started out as a turf war against the doughnuts and the Cupcakes about space on the shell in the display case.  Soon it grew way out of control as you can see."
          "Well thank you for clearing that up.  This is Cheese Cake with the Bakery News saying goodnight."

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