Monday, June 3, 2019


My God
My God
Why have you forsaken me
Why have you turned away from me
I seek you out
you are nowhere to be found
I cry out
You do not answer

Where my Lord have you gone
Where is your help
In my hour of need
Where is your peace
In my time of sorrow
Where is your love
When I am lonely

Why God have you done this to me
Have I done something wrong
Why am I being banished
From your awesome grace and mercy
Where is your light
In my hour of darkness

Yes Lord I know in my heart
I am truly not alone
I know you are there
To guide me
To love me
To protect me
Yes Lord you are there

Though I may see the dark
From time to time
Your light still shines
Your flame still burns
Your spirit is with me

You are my Lord
You are my rock
Upon which the foundation of my life is built
My stronghold within stormy weather
Even the harshest winds can not blow you away

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