Monday, June 3, 2019

Trust in the Lord

Do not put your trust in Princes
In mortal MEN who have no power to save
When the they die their lives all end in ashes
Their plans and aspirations all lie rotting in the grave

Blessed be our GOD our LORD and our Creator
Designer and sustainer ~ of our Planet Earth
He is consistent and he's faithful in behaviour 
He loves us and cares for us from the second of our birth !

GOD loves the poor and all those who have nothing
The blind the hungry victims and oppressed 
He lifts them up when they are weary
And through His great provision they are blessed.

He's providing for the fatherless and widows
The aliens ~ the sad and dispossessed
He frustrates the exploits of the wicked
And in HIM all Nations will be blessed !

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock