Thursday, August 1, 2019


Though it has been many years since I had to deal with a bully.  I still hear their taunts and laughter in my head.  My bullies in school were bad, Name calling, Spit wads, Brat up, Slamming my locker door on my nhile I was trying to get something at the bottom.  Pushing and shoving me in many ways, Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally.  That was just the normal stuff.  Some of the stuff they did I will not mention.  It still takes a toll after all these years.  Later in life, I dealt with bullies at work.  Who seemed to make it their jobs to make my work day hell.

Even after all these years.  I still hear their angry hateful voices.  Tuanting me, Teasing me, I know it is all in my head now, but somedays it seems so real, like they are right here with me, putting me back through that hell.  Because of which, I tend to spend a lot of time to myself.  Out of fear of being laughed at again.  Or lashing out at someone else.  When all I am doing is yelling at the voices in my head.

Many people think I am a loner or I act a little stand offish.  I do not mean to be either.  I am just trying to find out who I can trust. 

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