Monday, June 1, 2020


His blood is red

My sins are dead

From the flood that flows within


His blood is red

Satan trembles demons dread

The power that flows from his hand


His blood is red

he spread salvation throughout the land

So that all may understand


His blood is red

So I can go to Heaven and be with him

The Angels heard throughout his land


His blood is red

He called my name while I wondered the land

Biggest sinner known to women and men


His blood is red

He opened the gate so all could come in

His love known to every woman, child, and man


His blood is red

Because of this little lost lamb

Who keeps running from the master’s hand


His blood is red

For the sin where I stand

May he crush it with his hand

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock