Monday, January 25, 2021


 When it seems the darkness of this world will overwhelm you.  Remember there is a light within you.  Let that light shine and send the darkness back into the shadows

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The problem with Church

 The problem with many churches these days.  Is that they get so wrapped up in keeping with tradition that they are afraid to try anything new.  They get stuck in doing things the way they have always done they.  That they shut out the younger generation in fear that they will disrupt their nice little system.   Or the let the younger generation in but keep them in the background.  Never letting them join committees,  or suggest new ideas.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Don't Leave Me Now

 If you leave me now

You'll take away the very heart of me

Please don't  go

If you leave me now

You'll leave me 



Dying inside 

Please don't leave

I know I've made mistakes 

I am sorry for what I've down

I've hurt you I know

You've wanted to leave

I wouldn't have played you if you did

Here I am a broken man

Asking you for help

Help me put together the brokenness

Help me be whole again

I want to start over

I want to make things right

I need your help to do that

I know I don't deserve another chance 

But please don't leave

When I need you most

Together we can be a family again 

Together we can be happy again 

Please help me

Be who I once was

And escape this beast I have become

Friday, January 22, 2021


 When a person fails to grow with the changing of the times. The become old,worn out, and obsolete.   The same is with the church of God.   The church can preach the true world of God and still relevant.   But to be they need to embrace a new approach to presenting it.  Or each incoming generation will find it old fashioned and useless.

Each generation has their on sets of needs, both spiritual.  Mental,  emotional,  and physical.   If the church falls behind at meeting these needs to the best of the abilities God gave them.  The church will fail to gain new members and eventually fall.

The Church

 When Jesus was here on Earth he teached and paled around with drunk, tax collectors, fishermen, prostitutes,  and others of life's rejects at the time.  He taught and changed each and everyone of their lives.

Today however how many churches out there would be so open to such as those. Or even worse cases.  How many churches would gladly open there doors and let such people inside.

If your answer is no.  Is your church truly following the example set by our Lord and Savior. 

Outreach is great and an amazing way to reach those who can't get to a church building for one reason or another

A little story about my Grandfather I try to live my life by as well

There was a young man who came to our church.  Who spent his Saturday night playing music in bars all over the place.  On Sunday morning he would show up to church smelling like beer .  My Grandfather never told him to go home and get cleaned up.  My Grandfather just handed him a bulletin,  to him glad he was there, and so him to a pew.

Because of that kindness the young man later became a full member of your church.

An example my Grandfather set.  That I try to follow today.

Kindness is how you defeat the evil in the world.  God and Jesus proved it.  My Grandfather proved it.  As Christians we  must take up the call.  We must prove it to the world at large

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 To many people these days. seem to be looking for easy answers to todays problems. The truth is life is what you make of it.

The tears
The joy
The hurt
The healing
is all a part of this thing we call life
You make the choice to be broken by life's troubled times
To be encouraged to get up and carry on
To fight
To struggle
To become better

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Beer garden

 I want a beer garden.   I want 20 dozen or more trees. Each tree a different brand of beer would grow.  Already bottled and ready to serve

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Already dead

 "I'll kill you" he said

"You can't kill what's already dead." was the creature's reply


 "I have no problem with going to Hell".  He said while choking his victim by the throat.  "Who are you?" His victim barely spoke.  "I am the demon no religion can kill" was his answer

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 A vortex opens within time and space

To Heaven

To Hell

There is no trace

A vortex

A doorway

To another time and place

A vortex to swallow you whole

Adventure unknown

Or death is it's place


 She blooms like a beautiful flower

Soft and tender to the touch

At the end of the day

 At the end of the day




The work is done

Put the tools away

The sun goes down

The evening sky displays it's colors

Watch the stars come out

At the end of the day

At peace with the world around you

Rejoice in the simple things




At the end of the day


Cook outs

Bon fires


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Why I don't play golf

 One time I was asked why I don't play golf.

I answered because the person I was playing with and I would be to busy having sword fights with the golf clubs.

Then they asked what would happen if I played a round of golf alone.

I answered that I would be having sword fights with the air while quoting Shakespeare

Monday, January 11, 2021

Jesus my Savior


Jesus my Savior

Jesus is my Lord

I will praise his name

I will love and adore


I will always praise him

Even at the dark of night

Just to knows he's around

Makes it alright



Forever praise his name


For the peace he brought today


Forever I will praise him

Forever praise his name

He is my God and king

Forever I will sing


Jesus you saved me

now I don't have to die

I can live with you

Up in paradise



Forever praise his name


For the peace he brought today



Just as I am Lord

You have accpted me

Brought me into the fold

You did not wait

For me to get my act straight

You thew open your arms

To accept this sinned


For a sinner I am

No matter

I am human

I make mistakes

Yet you love


I thank you

I praise you

I love you





My everything



Praise GOD, who is my Lord and King

Praise GOD, who is my everything


Praise GOD, in the good and the bad

Praise GOD, when you are happy or mad


Praise GOD, who has given all life

Praise GOD, who brings us through strife


Praise GOD, for the colors of the sunset sky

Praise GOD, for every sun rise


In every way

In everything

Let it ring from the mountain tops

Let it be herd in the lowest dell

Let all the people yell




Jesus, Jesus Lord and king

Jesus, Jesus Lord and King


I will raise my voice to sing

I will raise my voice to sing


I will rejoice, I will praise

I will rejoice, I will praise


I will walk in your way

I will walk in your way


Jesus, Jesus praise adore

Jesus, Jesus praise adore


I’ll be faithful evermore

I’ll be faithful evermore


Jesus Christ you light the way

Jesus Christ you light the way


Within your path I’ll always stay

Within your path I’ll always stay


Jesus Lord God and King

Jesus Lord God and King


All praise to you I sing

All praise to you I sing


I will call your awesome name

I will call your awesome name


I will worship you today

I will worship you today


Jesus Christ Lord above

Jesus Christ Lord above


You have shown your awesome love

You have shown your awesome love

Sunday, January 10, 2021


 A friend of mine once told me that when he died he wanted 21 bottles of wine placed in his casket.  I asked him why.  He answered that death lasted a long time, and he thought he might get thirsty. 


 Time is like sand being drug out to the ocean by each wave that comes to shore 

Revolving BS

 Democrats and Republicans pull the same shit on each other.  It's a revolving door in the government these.  So to call one party hypocrite, means that the offended party has forgotten all the BS they threw at the other parties president.   Like I said it is a revolving door.  A big smelly revolving door. That never stops spinning,  fling its BS  at the American people.   No hypocrisy here.  Both parties are guilty of it


 Rather we are blood related or not.  If I call you brother or sister.   I respect you, and care about your wellbeing.

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...