Friday, January 22, 2021

The Church

 When Jesus was here on Earth he teached and paled around with drunk, tax collectors, fishermen, prostitutes,  and others of life's rejects at the time.  He taught and changed each and everyone of their lives.

Today however how many churches out there would be so open to such as those. Or even worse cases.  How many churches would gladly open there doors and let such people inside.

If your answer is no.  Is your church truly following the example set by our Lord and Savior. 

Outreach is great and an amazing way to reach those who can't get to a church building for one reason or another

A little story about my Grandfather I try to live my life by as well

There was a young man who came to our church.  Who spent his Saturday night playing music in bars all over the place.  On Sunday morning he would show up to church smelling like beer .  My Grandfather never told him to go home and get cleaned up.  My Grandfather just handed him a bulletin,  to him glad he was there, and so him to a pew.

Because of that kindness the young man later became a full member of your church.

An example my Grandfather set.  That I try to follow today.

Kindness is how you defeat the evil in the world.  God and Jesus proved it.  My Grandfather proved it.  As Christians we  must take up the call.  We must prove it to the world at large

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock