Monday, March 27, 2017


Give peace a chance
Make peace not war

Yes that is my cry
Unlike most who shout those words
I have been in combat
I have seen the hell that is war

Marching across the fields
Crawling through trenches
All in the name of freedom

Yes that was me
Watching my friends die
Watching whole cities burn
Watching cars explode
Watching tanks plow across the land
Rolling over anything in it's path

The ravages of war
Are not only that which you can see
They are scares that thread throughout
One's mentel and emotional state
Streched to the limit
And far far beyond

So now I speak out for peace
For I have been there
I wish for no one else
Should enter that hell's gate

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Hear the music People chanting in the streets "We want peace" "Gove peace a chance" "Make peace not war" March...