Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Your Love

Awesome is your love for me
Better than all others I have known
Constantly your passion pulls me in
Don’t ever let go
Embrace me as if the world were ending
Forever be with me, never leave
Great is your love for me
Higher and higher the passion rises
I love you more than my own life
Join with me as one mind, soul, and body
Kindness stream from you like rain from the sky
Love me like I have never been loved before
Move me with your passion and grace
Never before have I ever been so loved
Open my heart to accept your love
Passionate is your embrace
Quiet my mind so I may only hear your voice
Redeem me as you see fit
Streams of passion pour from your soul
The love I feel for you is overwhelming
Unite my heart with yours
Very real are these emotions
With passion like no other you love me
X-tream love and passion come from you
Yes I love you more than life itself
Zealously I accept you

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