Monday, March 27, 2017

The American Flag

The American Flag
Thirteen red and white stripes
A blue field
Covered with 50 stars
A symbol of honor
A synbol of peace
A symbol of freedom

Many have fought
To defend it
Many of those
To the point of death

Many have tried
To remove our flag
Yet it still stands

Some have burned it
Some throw it upon the ground
Some have spit upon it

Let us not hate the flag
Let us rejoice and wave it proud
For this one flag
This one symbol
Does not just represent America
But the world at large

It represents
Those crying out for freedom
No matter
What country you're in
It represents
Those fighting against
Oppression and cruelty
It represents
Those hurting and
Those that are lost and afraid

Yes, it is the American flag
However, it represents more
Than our country alone
It repesents
The entire human race

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