Friday, March 24, 2017


Upon this stone
There is no hope
All is lost
I feel like a dope

All I trusted
All I knew
Fell away
Into the stew

Upon this stone
All is lost
Fire burns in my soul
It’s time to pay the cost

The cost of bad choices
The cost of sin
I am lost upon this stone
Life wont let me in

For there is no life upon this stone
All is death
It is where you go
To take your final rest

Upon this stone
I live no more
I have seen my final sight
Have opened my final door

All is lost within death and decay
Forever now
Upon this stone is where I stay

Upon this stone I write my name in blood
The pain flows in like a mighty flood
I feel as if I will drawn
I can feel my life going down

Upon this stone I feel such pain
I wander how long it will remain
My life itself is being chocked
How long before I go up in smoke

Upon this stone I lay my head
Loneliness I have no dread
Tho I am all alone
I will get by on my own

Upon this stone my tears fall like acid rain
They do this through the hatred and the pain
The sorrow grows with each scorn
Oh, how my heart has been torn

Upon this stone all is cold and gray
How can one live this way
A way off I can not see
Upon this stone is where I be

Upon this stone no flowers grow
No color at all just gray and cold
My heart breaks with such pain
I feel as if I stand in acid rain

Upon this stone shall I take my last breath
Shall I take my final rest
Shall I lay down my life
Shall I do this all in spite

Upon this stone death has come
To take me to the land above
Instead I am given a mighty blow
I fall into the pit below

Upon this stone forever more
I have opened life’s final door
Had I known it would lead to this place
I never would have started that race

Upon this stone I am cut by the thorns
They all combine to make my bed
Upon these faults
I lay my head

Upon this stone
There is no hope for escape
I look
All around me is darkness and void
I see nothing but a cloudy mist

Upon this stone
There is death
It seeps in like a fog
Silent and slow
Until it covers all

Upon this stone
The hound of Hell has joined me
I can not see him
I know it’s here
Somewhere within the darkness
It lurks
For the time it can feed upon my bones

Upon this stone
Love dose not exist
It is a joke
Played upon the heart
To wound one’s spirit
To destroy one’s soul
To defeat all hope and dreams
There is nothing

Upon this stone
All is lost
My heart stopped beating
My soul turned to dust
My skin has burst into flames

Upon this stone
My last stand
My final test
I am lost within the storm
I will be gone by the morn

Upon this stone
All is dead
The pain is so bad
It hurts my head
Rest is nowhere
Sleep is impossible
To simply survive is best

Upon the stone
My heart is broke
Dashed into many tiny pieces
Death has come
It has made it’s bed

Upon this stone
I must stay
Until my life floats away
When this will happen
I do not know
Forever I may be upon this stone

Upon this stone
I take my stand
Within this dark and accursed land
I have no friend to share my pain
I have no friend to know my name

Upon this stone
I am alone
No hope
No joy
No dreams

Upon this stone
My life is lost
Within the canyon
My soul is tossed
Within the dark empty void
This I can not avoid

Upon this stone
My blood stains
All my hopes
All my dreams
All are lost within the water less sea

Upon this stone
My blood stains
Falls from above
To the rock below
This rock upon which I stand
Upon this stone
Within this land

Upon this stone
My blood flows red
It has flood so much
I am surprised I am not dead
It flows like a mighty river
From it’s awesome store
I can not take much more

Upon this stone your lives are lost
You have paid the final cost
The price you paid
For the games you played

Upon this stone just let me be
For the darkness has surrounded
Within this void I am lost
My life shall be the cost

Upon this stone I hear a distant bell
Coming from the pits of hell
Amid the screams of hurt and pain
Feelings I feel just the same

Upon this stone is where I will stay
Until the coming of my dying day
Until my last breath I breathe
Until the last song I sing
Upon this stone is where I bee

Upon this stone my thoughts run dry
Maybe now I am about to die
My life has begin to fade
My blood has begun to drain

Upon this stone may I die
May my body here forever lie
Upon this stony slab
May there be mercy for this young lad

Upon this stone I feel like hell
I hear the sound of a distant bell
Death has finally called me home
Now I can leave this stone

Upon this stone
A mighty scream within my soul
Fire spews from my mouth and eyes
The scream is released
I find no one has answered my call
I am alone

Upon this stone
Blood flows from my feet and hands
How long this has happen
I can not tell
I have lost all I have known

Upon this stone
I wish I were dead
To live one more day upon this damned island
Will drive me insane
The pain is more than I can stand

Upon this stone
Help is nowhere
For no one cares
I am left in this void of utter nothingness
Will I forever remain here

Upon this stone
I have met my fate
I am lost forever
There is no hope
There is only death

Upon this stone
My blood gushes out in all directions
It flows like a mighty river
Nothing can stand in it’s way
It has no ent
For it flows forever
I seek help and refuge from my pain
I search in all direction
Alas I find I am alone

Upon this stone
The beasts of hell wait for their feast
I can not see them
However I know they are there
Licking their lips
Eyeing their prize
They wait in the shadows
Silently for the feast

Upon this stone
My soul bursts into flames
My heart is ripped from my chest
I toss it to the void
For it serves no purpose now
It is useless to me now
I need it no more
The beasts feast upon it
The sound of it hunts me
Let them feed

Upon this stone
My brain is next to go
All that knowledge
All that data
Worthless to me
It means nothing now
Let the beasts have it

Upon this stone
My life is just
While hopes and dreams fall to dust
There is no use for these broken bones
There is no way beyond this stone

Upon this stone
I remain here forever more
No hope
No sound
No joy
No plead
No way
Upon this stone is where I shall stay

Upon this stone
My life blood flows
From every opening
It is rich dark red
From the life I have lead
Through the sin and the pain
Through the storm and the rain
Life of pain untold
Lying here upon this stone

Upon this stone
Within this barren land
Upon this rock is where I stand
The sins in my past have brought me to waste
The sweetness of joy I never taste
Fire is my only friend
As it burns my bones and my skin
This is true
Upon this stone
Boiling within the stew

Upon this stone
My blood flows red
The pain is so
I wish I were dead
Fire consumes
My heart and soul
Burn scares of such untold

Upon this stone
The pain
The sorrow
How they swell
I have no choice
I must go on

Upon this stone
There is no life
All is dead
All is blank
Red stains grow
As the blood flows
My spirit remains with the shame

Upon this stone
All joy is lost
My life has ended
I’ve paid the cost
My spirit is burned
My soul remains
For upon this stone

It shall forever stay

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