Thursday, November 1, 2018

Christian Stand

Christian people the time is near
Satan is planning and drawing his forces near
Satan taunts us with his jeers

GOD calls us to stand and be strong
Fight the battle no matter how long
Always singing a praise worthy song

Satan fights with tricks unknown
He slings them at society the numbers untold
He cause destruction to raise the death toll

GOD calls us to stand and fight
Though Satan is wrong GOD is right
All is victorious in GOD’s sight

Satan fights like a mad dog
He wants to see the Christian people unclogged
From his plans so his kingdom wont fall

GOD’s plan is mighty, his plan is just
If only in GOD we put ful trust
For against GOD Satan will bust

Satan’s plans are short and unjust
Satan is not one to trust
I can’t wait to see Satan go bust

Rejoice in GOD victory is at hand
He will spread peace with his mighty hand
His spirit will be known through out the land

Satan’s gone forever more
I am glad, he was making me sore
God kicked Satan out the door

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