Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Light

My heart is full of day light
Bright with love
The darkness has no place
Within this brightness
I am full on light
I am full of joy
I am full of the oneness
That is me

Joy overflows from my heart
Light pours from my soul
I can not hold them in
It is useless to try
For it is to much for me to hold

There is no room for darkness
Within this light
It can run all it wants
It will be of no use
The light will find it
The light will destroy it

The light is in my heart
The light is my heart
There is no escape
The light will shine forever
The joy in my heart ever flows
I am unable to hold it in
For no part of me can contain it
It is no use
My heart will explode if I try

To dim that light
To hold it back
Would be worse than death
For I would be dimming my own soul
My own life
The very part of me that is truly alive

To hold the light back
Would kill me

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