Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Jesus (Holy Teaching)

Jesus was an impoverished middle-eastern Jew who preached a message of mercy and non-violence while keeping company with the poor, alcoholics, prostitutes, tax collectors (who were essentially mafia dons back then), lepers, and people who were not of his religion or ethnicity. He was anti-public prayer and anti-greed (Matthew 6:5)

Jesus was not against homosexuality, immigrants, birth control, and stated nothing about abortion (though the god of the Old Testament is certainly pro-baby killing as he did so on a constant basis).

He never mentioned anything about voting Republican or Democrat, pre-marital sex, trying to ban erotic literature, masturbation, evolution, shunning those who you disagree with, suppressing knowledge and women, or blindly hating the President.

So why do so many "Christians" think otherwise? Have you actually read the Bible? I don't think you have, because the only thing Jesus commanded was to simply love Thy Neighbor as Thyself and to look after the orphans and the widows.

He also most certainly never stated to "Love the sinner, hate the sin." In fact Jesus stated the exact opposite, "Do not judge lest thee be judged" and "He who is without sin, cast the first stone. "

Yet so many "Christians" spend their days judging and gossiping about their neighbor while behaving like obnoxious fanatics engaged in an asinine culture war.

"I love your Christ, but not your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."- Gandhi

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock