Thursday, November 1, 2018


A wonderful day to be outside
Bright blue sky
Catfish splashing in the water
Deer standing under a line of trees
Exciting day to be outside
Flowers growing in the fields
Grizzly bear claw marks on trees
Hearing the howle of a wolf
Inspired by nature am I
Jawbone off a fox
Kindred with all that is around me
Love exploring the woods
Motion in the distance caused by wild animals
Notice the big cat tracks
On going adventure
Ppreppling me onward
Quails running
Restful moment
Streams bubbeling with life
Trees blowing in the breaze
Undisturbed nature
Violets so pure and sweet smellimg
Water in the lake
X-cited and ready to go
Yearning for action
Zestfully spirited am I

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock