Friday, November 2, 2018

I will always love you

I will always love you
Past the end of time
Yes there will be times when we fight
Yes there may even be times
We stop talking to each other for awhile
I still love you
As I always will

I will always love you
Though I may not
Like what you do
You will always have a place in my heart
That will never change

I will always love you
Even if we break up
To speak no more to each other
Even if we are at septrate ends of the world
I will still love you

Once I start loving
I never quit
My love goes deeper than most
From the top of my head
Down to my toes
Streching farther
Than the end of time
My love rolls in strong
Like the mighty ocean tide

Even if we part
Even if you hate me
Within your own heart
I say this now
It will always ring true
I will ALWAYS love you

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