Monday, April 1, 2019

Christmas eve (Short Story)

Hello my name is officer Johnson.  On Christmas Eve I was responding to a call about a break in.  When I got to the house.  The neighbor across the street pointed to the house across from him and told me what he could.  When I looked at the house I saw no lights not even the beem of a flashlight.  On the roof however I saw deer hernessed to a sleigh.  Then I saw someone exit the house through the chimney.  though the bag he carried was completly empty.  then the man hopped into the sliegh and the deer carried him to the next house.  They just flew over the gap between the houses now problem.  The man in the sliegh got out but this time his bag was full.  I went to the window of the house in front of me.  I saw gifts under the tree, stockings hung and full of gifts.  I relized this guy was not stealing but leaving gihts.  I got back in my squad car and went home.
     In the morning my wife our kids and I were unwrapping gifts.  I noticed an extra card in the tree.  My wife and I had already given eachother our cards, plush given the kids their card.  The card was adressed to me so I picked it out of the tree and looked at it.  It looked no different from any other Christmas card you may find.  It had the normal Christmas greeting on the front that you would find on any card.  However on the inside were written these words.  "Thank you for still believing in me."  It was signed "S. Claus"

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