A hug without u is toxic
May my hugs always have u
Writing poetry and short stories to let people take a peek inside my mind. I also do videos, take pictures, and like to cook and share tips on cooking
A walk along the beach at sunset
Two lovers hand in hand
Letting the surf wash upon their feet
as the sun slowly sets
A walk along the beach at sunset
Romance is in the air
They hold each other close
as into each others eyes they stare
A walk along the beach at sunset
A promise is made
To stand beside each other
No matter what comes their way
You tease me
You laugh at me
You think it's all fun
My anger
My temper
Boiling every time
You beat me up
You make me bleed
Humiliate me in front of people
My anger
My temper
Boiling every time
Finally You push me to far
I fight back
And you can't understand why
After all you put me through
You can’t understand why I am fighting back
His name is huey
He is the hamster of death
Don't let his cuteness fool you
Underneath all that cuteness is a savage rodent
Ready to strike
Ready to kill
When you least suspect
Follow the rainbow To new adventure
Follow the rainbow To a new land
Creatures of all kinds await your arrival
Fairies, Elves, and Dwarves,
Just to name a few
Games and fun times
Laughter and joy
Songs for the singing
Follow the rainbow
To your heart's content
Oil slicked hair
Leather jacket
Dark sunglasses
Grooving to your own beat
Not caring what others said
Following your own code
Through the mountain pass
Down in the Glen
Off to points unknown
Then back home again
No matter the weather
No matter the danger
We push on
Courageous explorers are we
No matter the distance
One step in front of the other
We push on
In a hidden room in the basement
While cleaning
I found an old wooden chest
Lost away in time
I wonder how long it had been there
Since before I bought the place
I know that
It has pirate symbols carved on it
I know the house is over a hundred years old
Could this really be a pirate's chest
Our is it a mystery even older than that
If I open it
Would I find gold
Something to claim my soul
The dark staircase
Covered in shadows
Covered in mystery
What lies at the top
Does it even have a top
Or just continues its winding way upward
For eternity
The maiden in the tower
Was fair and bright
Beautiful long dark hair to her knees
Red eyes like rubies
Medium size in height
The tower was guarded by
A dragon
And other vermon
Many brave Knights fight and died
Trying to rescue her
Many brave Knights with courage in their hearts
But none could do it
One day a wizard stopped by
Not knowing anyone was there
Was surprised when a voice called out
The wizard looked up and saw the trapped woman
The wizard tried every spell he knew
Destroyed many of the rotten crew
But a dragon torched him with a flame
Over the centuries the struggle goes on
But no one can save her
Scare me
Send chills up my spine
Make me cry in horror
Scare me
Make me see visions of my worst nightmare
Make me shake
Make me shiver
Make me sweat with nervousness
Make me experience my own death
In every gruesome detail
In space
No one can hear you scream
You can yell your lungs out
No one will hear
The evil of space knows this
It hunts you as you travel through the cosmos
The evil waits
It strikes
Knowing your cries for help will go unanswered
In space
No one can hear you scream
With your fire reshape me
Mold me into that which I need to be
Prepare me for the road ahead
With your fire
Burn away all the things holding me back
Light the fire within me
To reach my purest and best
Family, friends, fun, and food
The four fs of a great picnic
Games will be played
BBQ will be eaten
Memories will be made
Like the time I fell into the park's creak
Or when the duck bit my hand
While I was trying to feed it bread
The time dad won the race
The big football game
My uncle dumping a bowl of salad on my brother
For making a commitment
And of course food fights
There have been many
I could go on and on
But the message is pretty clear
Without friends and family
A picnic means nothing
They can see you
There is no escape
Sleeping or awake
They know
Since the day of your birth
The government has kept a watchful Eye
They have watched you
Play sports
Go to parties
Make friends
So on and so on
There has not been a time in your life
They have not seen
Why you ask
They want obedient drones
People who will fall in line
People who will take orders
People who will not fight back
Those who have learned this truth
Deemed as rebels
Deemed as outlaws
All for standing up against oppression
All for standing up for the individual
A look into history
A look into the past
The farther we go
The more we learn
A whole new wold
Strange and wonderful creatures
Call this place home
Plants grow
The like of which never seen before
An entire ecosystem
Amazing grace the chains are gone
That had once bound me
Satan thought he had me caught
But Jesus set me free
Everytime a baby giggles
Heaven fills the room
Everytime a baby giggles
Music to my ears
Is pizza the perfect food?
I believe it is
From the cheese you get your dairy
Vegetables from the sauce and toppings
Meat from the pepperoni and whatever meats you want
Bread from the dough
Is pizza the perfect food?
I think so
Fuel up with determination
Go for your goals
No matter what others think
They are your goals
Not theirs
Fuel up with determination
Never back down
No matter how hard it may seem
Keep pushing forward
Follow your dream
Fuel up with determination
Sometimes life tries to get in the way
Overcome such obstacles
Kick life's ass
Show it who's boss
The darkside is overwhelming
It tries to extinguish the light Within
It makes you feel unworthy
Sometimes you want to die
It eats you whole
The darkside
A cold lifeless inner death
A numbness of mind and soul
Never feeling good enough
You hate yourself
You hate everything about yourself
The darkside
A chilling void
No light
No warmth
Just dark and cold
Hickory Dickory Doc
We dance around the clock
We party down
With the clown
Hickory Dickory Doc
July 4th
Fireworks and BBQ
Family and friends gather round
For a party
Fireworks explode in vibrant colors
Dazzling before your eyes
Fountains and candles shoot into the night
Watching the ocean on this fine morning
No one in the water yet
Best time to watch
Saw the sunrise this morning
As it rose oven the ocean
Red, orange, and other colors
What a beautiful sight
Dolphins jump in the distance
As wave after wave reaches the shore
Some couples out walking the shoreline
You can hear gulls and other birds in the air
A cool ocean breeze
Runs through my hair
Everytime I walk into the room
"Highway to Hell" bt ACDC should play
Just to let people know
What a fun person I am
An Angel fell from Heaven
An Angel full of beauty and grace
Hurt her foot upon the sod of the Earth
She is sad
She is lonely
After falling from Heaven
Sh does not cry
Tears would be a waste of time
Her exile was all her own fault
Immortal no longer
She ages, feels pain, and will eventually die
As all mortals do
The time between now and then
A chance to redeem herself
A chance to become an Angel once more
Finally the great sculpture is complete
That will unity and peace
To both sides of the bay
There have been waring factions on each side
Peace has been attempted many times
But has failed
However with this joint effort
From the factions on the bay
Unity will form
Peace will stay
The sculpted arms on both sides
Rising into the sky
And then coming together
To form archways
May peace last for all time
Between the to side
And may this sculpture
Ever remind them
That they can work together in peace
Little Jack Horner
Was playing the outfield corner
In the Wonderland Baseball game
With a loud "Thwack"
Humpty Dumpty gave that ball a mighty wack
But Jack caught it and saved the day
Little Mrs Muffet
Was riding her spyder
To places far way
Traveling the roads
Destination unknown
Just riding with the wind at her face
The tearing of your soul
As you fall deeper and deeper into the pit
Of emptiness and void
The constant feel the you have no worth as a human being
The tragic torment of your soul and mind
The crying out for help
Just to be ignored
The wishing of death
Because you feel no one cares
They live on the street
Little children with Little to eat
The clothes on their backs
Are the only ones they got
Speak for those who can not
Let your voice be heard
They live in cardboard boxes
Some have no shelter at all
Sleeping on whatever they can find
Hungry they beg for food
They know can not be provided
Speak for those who can not
Let your voice be heard
Their clothes Little more than rags
Their education learning on the street
Some have never been in a school building
Speak for those who can not
Let your voice be heard
Since before the beginning of time
They have existed
They have fought
In an eternal struggle
Call them
God and Satan
Yin and Yang
Peace and Conflict
They have been known by these names
As well as many others
Their eternal struggle
Has created the cosmos
Their eternal struggle
Has created life
One cannot existed without the other
They are two sides of the same
Locked together in combat
I love this bar
All my friends are here
I love this bar
Great music in my ears
Sure at times a drunk causes trouble
At times at fight breaks out
But those times are rare and far between
So let's party and have fun
I love this bar
Laughing and joking all night
I love this bar
Pool, darts, snooker, and card games
As soon as you walk in
They treat you like family
You are as welcome as can be
I love this bar
The food is good
I love this bar
Friendship abounds
Sometimes love can be the sweetest thing you know
At other times it can be the most painful thing you know
You give and you give
Only to have them choose another
You pour your heart out
For them just ro stump all over it
Yes love is a bitter pill at times
A heartache just waiting to happen
A piercing blade to the heart
He is the spirit of the forest
Mother Nature's son
A sprite
An elf
A nymph
He has been called by them all
He watches over the animals
Has played games with many in the forest Glen
He tells his mom when one gets hurt
So they can be mended again
She is the Goddess of the forest
A protector of the plants and creatures
Healing the wounded
Saving the dying
Some call her Mother Nature
Because she is a mother figure to many
A loving heart
From such an infinite soul
The beautiful sunset
Like a mighty painter
Swriped his paintbrush
Over the evening sky
Purple, red, orange, blue
And a few other hues
I can't name
All in vibrant and brilliant colors
All on display
Flowers for the fallen
Who fought and gave their all
Who shall never see
A sunrise anymore
Flowers for the fall
Soldiers to the last
Fighting with all thier might
Fighting to be free
To shine freedom’s bright light
Making your deliveries all over the land
Your heavy load going on to the store
Long days on the road far from home
Pushing ever onward
Drop off one load
Remake me in the fire of your awesome love
Reform and rebuild my soul as you wish
Fix in me what has been broken
Tear down the walls inside
Rejoice in you
I shall
There once was a little blue Marshmallow named Bob
Who really liked working the sod
He'd work hard everyday
For farming was his way
He also liked corn on this cob
He walks along the train tracks
Going wherever they lead
Stopping at towns along the way
Just to pick up what he needs
The train no longer runs no more
Hasn't for hundreds of years
Still they get traveled
By those with no fear
He has dealt with bandits
Some crooks as well
Sometimes just those causing trouble
Below the sun's mighty glare
He fights because he must
The last of his kind
He fights to redeem the land
He fights to survive
And still he walks
A lonely man
The train tracks stretch before him
Still he walks
Still he wal
It was just a church out in the middle of nowhere
A country church
For the farmers who lived in the area around it
Full of tradition
And traditional values
Every Sunday morning
You could hear that church bell ring for miles
Every Sunday the folks from the nearby farms
Would gather
To worship
To praise their God
I some how found myself locked inside a laundry mat
Everything quiet and still
Untill about the midnight hour
All the dryers started up
A strange glow came from them
The doors opend
What came out of the dryers
Looked like socks
Dozens upon dozens of socks
Socks of every shape and size
Emerged from each dryer
Not seeing me
Or even taking notice
They set up for what looked like a party
I finally got up the nerve to talk to one
It told me they were the socks lost in the dryers over the years
And each night they come out to party
I was even invited to join them
But had to swear I would never tell anyone
We had a fun time
At around dawn the socks said goodbye
And dove back into the dryer
After the door was unlocked
And explaining why I was there all night
I finally went home and slept
Life giving rays of light
Energizing the soul
Sunshine is pure and awesome
Sunrise in the morning
Sunset at night
Shine on my friend
Shine on
A horse and a dog
Friends as friends can be
Looking out for each other
Whenever the need be
A horse and a dog
Side by side at all times
Depression is like being in a bird cage
You long for freedom
But it ever seems beyond your reach
You can see how to get beyond Depression
But you never seem to get there
You can see freedom
You cam smell freedom
In some cases you can even taste it
And it drives you crazy
I broke a mirror today
I looked at it
And it shattered into millions of pieces
I knew I was ugly
But "DAMN!"
It's his very first time fishing
Out with his dad and Grandpa
The pond was still
The fish were jumping
After they get set up
His dad helps him cast his line
Hours seemed to go by
As they cast and recast
Trying different spots on the pond
Soon Grampa catches one
Then his dad did too
This made the little boy sad
Because he had yet to catch anything
Just when the boy was about to give up
A tug
It was there, he felt it
Another tug
Dad telling him to reel it in
Another tug
This time almost pulling the boy off his feet
Dad runs over and grabs his son
Together they reel that fish in
And once on shore it could be seen.
That for his first fishing trip
The little boy catches they biggest one out of the three
It's hot in here
Hope my owner comes back soon
With some water to drink
Maybe even a treat
For being so good
It's hot in here
At least the windows are cracked
Get a little breeze
But it's still hot
I wonder if I should take the car for a spin
They left the keys in the ignition
Just a quick spin
I promise to be careful
Nah, better not better to remain a good dog
Oh joy
Here they come
And I see a water bottle
And a treat
Yeah, they're back in the car
It's not a treat
Better yet
It's a new chew toy
After putting water in my dish
And letting me quench my thrist
They start up the car
And we go home
They call him a Ranger
A man of the wild
A tracker and fighter
He fights against the evil taking over
As a Ranger
He is a defender
For those who can't help themselves
Or just need a little extra help
His tracking skills
Have helped him capture many of the enemy
To extract information from them
Information to save his world
Battle worn
For he has been in many
Sword against sword
Bow and arrow
Even hand to hand
Whatever the Battle calls for
He is prepared
From the ashes of her home
She rises from the wreckage
Her house was burnt
In an attempt to kill her
Simply done out of hate
She rose from the flame
The smoldering heat
Beautiful and with wings
She doesn't seek revenge
She is better than that
She let's the past stay there
With her new wings
She can go anywhere
She can do anything
She takes off and flys away
Not knowing where to go
She just flys
Here lies the truth
All the way down to it's roots
But it died
Because everyone lied
Now it's just a rotting tooth
Here lies Sara Pickles
Who had a major case of the giggles
She'd laugh and she'd laugh
Until the day of her last
Now she's in Heaven giving everyone tickles
Ice cream sundae
Piled high
Whipped topping to the sky
Nuts and cookies
Chocolate sauce
Caramel sauce
Ice cream sundae
What a treat
The best way
To beat the heat
Give me peace
Peace is never given
It is fought for and won
Everyday of our live
Nobody can just hand you peace
You have to work
You have to struggle
You have to fight
Before peace can truly be yours
I asked you for a kiss
And you gave me one
Within that kiss was poetry
And many other expressions
That the human mind can not comprehend
Emotions the human mind can't even fathom
For there are no human words to describe it
Pure and simple poetry
The kiss
The oneness of heart, mind, body, and soul
When the sun goes down
Time to party
When the sun goes down
Time to play
Worked hard all day
Let the drinks flow
Let the music play
Drinks and snacks
Make the rounds
Music and dance
To awesome sounds
Twinkle Twinkle little star
The last one I've seen thus far
For all the others have gone away
Left the sky and went stray
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Far from the Earth you are
Twinkle Twinkle with all your might
Shine on
Shine bright
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Your light seems to be no more
Gone from the sky I see
Your light no longer shines on me
You walk down a strange hallway
At the end is a doorway
With a sign above it that reads
You stand and ponder
You stand and wonder
If it will be worth to move forward
If it would be worth to open that door
Sure change can be scary
The unknown future ahead
But if you never try
You'll never know
So don't fear good or bad
A chance to grow lies behind this door
Growing isn't easy
But if you want your destiny
You must grow
At the candy store
A child's delight
At the candy store
A child's dream
Anything seamed possible
Your wildest dreams could come true
That was the lure
The candy store had on you
He runs through the forest
Shotgun strapped to his back
Knife by his one side
Pistol by the other
They had Kidnapped his wife
Those vermon
Those snakes
Snuck right into the backyard
Stole her from the garden
Their children have joined the hunt with their father
Two young men and two young daughters
All four strapped with weapons
All four ready for a fight
Hopping to get their mom back safely
They have tracked the Kidnappers through the woods
Looking for any sign to point the way
After what seems like hours
They come to a cabin in a Glen
The tracks stop here
So this is it
This is the place of the showdown
Within seconds of their arrival
A group of armed men burst through the door
A gunfight erupts
Taking shelter behind trees, cars, picnic tables, while the bullets fly
Hand to hand combat is used when needed
Soon the group of armed men are defeated
They move into the house
Nothing in the cabin but mom tied to a chair
In the middle of the room
The kidnapper with a gun to her head
Take one more step and I shoot her he demands
The father quick as lightening
Pulls his knife and throws it
It sinks into the bad guy's skull
He falls to the ground
They untie their mom and go home
Sun high and bright warm upon my skin
A cool breaze in my face
My bike roaning beaneth me
Cruising down the road
Just the journey ahead
No plans, just go whenever the road leads
She loved to smell the flowers
When she was a little girl
Now grown up and off to college
My, how time flies
Watermelon juices running down my chin
As I eat it off the rind again
Sticky sweet goodness
A little taste of Heaven
In the summer heat
In a crowded place
I start to feel all eyes are on me
The people talking and plotting my doom
I tense up
I start to sweat
I might even shake a little
So young, so beautiful, just like your mother was
Full of light and promise for the future
Your mother would be very proud
If she was still with us
We both miss her
So much
Love has no
Ethnic group
Social status
Love cannot be stopped by anything
Distance means nothing to it
Hatred has no hold
No mountain is to high
No valley to low
Whether won't slow it down
Time is useless
Love is strong
It can break emotional walls
Heal emotional wounds
Change evil into good
Comfort the hurting
Those are just a few of love's qualities
I could go on and on forever
Warm , cheesy, gooey goodness
Sauce tangy sweet
Cheese and toppings as you please
Spices and flavors galore
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
It's good anytime of the day
There once was a tightrope walker
Whose name was John Stalker
He’d walk way up high
To catch people’s eyes
But he wasn’t much of a talker
Here lies Mighty Jim
A tough man, though quite slim
He could destroy them all
In any type of brawl
However, the sight of spiders scared him
She was an Angel full of grace
She fell from Heaven in much disgrace
Her dove white wings now black as coal
To match the darkness of her soul
Banished from Heaven, she has no shame
Banished from Heaven, only herself To blame
When I play my guitar
I am one with the vibration of each string
When I play my drum
I am one with every beat I play
The music overtakes me
Transporting me to a higher plain
Where we are no longer separate instruments
But have merged into one unit
A day at the spa
A relaxing retreat
Calm vibes all day
Stress and worries
Just float away
A day at the spa
A day to treat myself right
Peanutbutter sticky sweet
Sticks to the roof of your mouth
Peanutbutter sticky sweet
So much fun in a jar
Childhood memories invade my mind
Peanutbutter sandwich school lunches
Peanutbutter snacks
If only I hadn't given up on myself
Following my dreams
Giving myself a chance
If only I had listened to my heart
Instead of the negative comments others always said
Instead of letting those words seep into
My heart and soul
The coming of a new age
A higher plain of existence
A new Earth
A Earth of understanding and love
True lasting world peace
No gangs
No fighting
All diseases wiped out
New technology to guide the way
No one goes hungry, naked, or homeless
Everybody is OK
No more fights over skin color or ethnic group
No more teasing the disabled
Everyone is equally respected
Junk food is really where it's at
Though it tends to make me fat
Jelly rolls and cakes
Double chocolate milkshakes
Oh no, my chair went flat
Here I am sitting on the floor
Eating junk food galore
Moon pies and French fries
Twinkle and blackberry pie
I hope I can still fit through the door
"V.I.C.T.O.R.Y." That's the tiger battle cry
They'd lead us in cheer
They'd lead us in chants
To get us pumped up for the big game
They'd dance around the gym floor
Entertaining us all
With their kicks and gymnastics
All while waving their pom poms
The power of words is strong
So use them wisely
Words can heal
Words can also hurt
And those wounds can last longer
Than any physical scar
Exploring a ghost town
The history and culture that was
Local attractions that brought people in
Exploring a ghost town
Learning about the past
Leave nothing but footprints
In your path
The broken down buildings tell you a story
Listen to what they say
Old ballparks covered in weeds
Shows where the locals played
She is one of the few women to join our ranks
Of Knights fighting for our king
She has proven herself time and again
She is just as deadly as any man
The daughter of the king himself
At first he denied
But seeing the warrior spirit in her heart
He relinquished and let her in
On the battlefield
She has proven to be one of the best
The warrior spirit from her mom's side
A heart of fire in her breast
Any man who tries to cross her
Learns a lesson they won't forget
She's swift with a sword
Some men have ended up dead
Vampires, zombies, ghosts, and ghouls
This night is yours
Haunt and cause mischief
Do as you please
An unholy army of the damned
Creatures of the night
Grow in power and strength
The world is your
Feel free to take
Year after year
He makes his nightly run
To give gifts around thr world
One sleigh
Eight reindeer
Elves along for the ride
They ride through the air
They ride through the night
While the snowfalls around them
Delivering toys
To Girls and Boys
As swift as can be
Flying high
Zippy like a jet
Quiet to make no noise
You never see him
But you can tell he's been there
The tree loaded with presents
The stockings full
Year after year
He makes his nightly run
To give gifts around thr world
My heart is no longer mine
It now belongs to you
Since the day we first met
You invaded my soul
To prove my love
My heart grew wings
Flew away from me
It joined yours
From now and forever
Man, my head is pounding
What did I do last night
I know I went to a party
But everything else is so foggy in my mind
A place of laughter
A place to play
Now broken down
Rotting in decay
Hear the echoes of children's laughter
Among the empty rollercoaster
Still standing
But for how long
Shops broken down
Some still standing
With Boarded up windows and doors
Hear the ancient ghosts shopping
When you pass by these doors
Metal rusted
Paint chipped or completely gone
Rides left and abandoned for so long
The midway covered in weeds, decaying leaves, fallen down trees
Trashcans tip over by vandalism or wild animals
A place Once of laughter and joy
A place Once of brightness and cheer
A ghost of it's former self
Alice let's take a trip
Down a very different rabbit hole
As you fall and clocks fly by
Hear the Cheshire Cat sing about "time"
At the tea party you hear
The Madhatter sing about " Brain Damage "
In your ear
A group of Wonderland friends
Split into two groups to sing "Us and Them"
Tweetle Dee and Tweetle Dum
Bring you "The Great Gig In The Sky"
Featuring the queen of hearts
The caterpillar laughs so funny
While singing a song about "Money"
Then follows that with an instrumental light show "Any Color you like"
The March Hare and the white rabbit having fun. With the instrumental "On The Run"
Alice you get in the scene
By picking up a guitar and sing
"Speak to me and Breathe"
The whole gang get together for one more f
song "Eclipse "
So as we now come to a close
Thank you for traveling
Down the rabbit hole
Goodnight sleep tight
Drift away upon the night
Let your imagination take you where it please
Castle, dragons, and brave nights
Adventure in forgotten realms
The imagination can dream it all
Fairies, Dwarves, and elves
Pirates, buried treasure, ships sailing the sea
The imagination can dream it all
Even thing to wild to explain
Free of any boundaries
Just let loose upon the pathways of dream
Float among the stars
Goodnight sleep tight
Drift away upon the night
Let your imagination take you where it please
My life is an open book
Turn the page
Take a look
Every wound a story told
Heartbreak, laughter, I've seen it all
Cuts and sores from working the land
Or learning life's lessons
None of them easy
But they helped understand
My story is told in my words
Let them ring
Let them be heard
My words
My poetry
The unfiltered expression
Of the life I lead
Love lost
Love gained
Every aspect of my life
Written before you
In plan sight
Please be gentle as you read
I'm not perfect as you can see
Dance to the music of life
Even if no one else is
For we all hear life's song
Some just choose not to dance
Feel the rythum
Coursing through your veins
Let it move you
Never stop
For my enemies
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Kiss my ass
You know you want to
For friends and family
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope you all know
How much I love you
For my lover
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Even the nastiest days
Are sweeter with you
Everyone has a light inside them
Let it shine forth
No matter what darkness
This world may bring
Never let your light go dim
The Mansion up on the hill
Been there for ages
Like a castle overlooking us all
No one has lived there
For many years
But the imagination has created stories
Thrills and chills
A mad scientist up to no good
Wanting to take over the town
And then the world
Two lovers in a heated fight
Kill one another
One awful night
Stories of betrayal and jealousy
Murder and crime
These are just a few stories
I have heard
There are many more
Sometimes when feeling small
I feel our universe
Is nothing more than a drop of water
That sits upon a single blade of grass
In some other universe
A good trilogy
Time travel past and future
Flying cars, old west cowboy
And old cars and big egos
Marty, Doc, and Biff
All had parts to play
In this crazy set
Three of the best movies
While growing up I had a lot of dreams
Big and bright they shined
Thought I'd be an actor
Either on stage or the silver screen
Or maybe a writer
The greatest the world had ever seen
A fireman, police officer as well
Or a doctor helping people get well
Those are just a few of the things
I wanted to be
But as I got older I learned
There is a big difference between dreams and reality
These bloodsucking insects
Will be the death of me
For every one I swat
More show up for a drink
My Last day on Earth
Would be spent with a paty on the beach
A full day festival
Of fun, music, food, and games
If I'm gong out
I might as well have one last party
Drinks both mixed and not
Chocolate fountain
BBQ meat
Just a few goodies you'd find
And other water sports
Things to keep the party going
I may be dying tomorrow
But let's have fun today
The car sled on the oil-slicked road
Hit a tree and stopped
The drivers door opens
The driver drops to the ground
The car had hit hard
The driver covered in broken glass
Blood running free
Rides, games, and excitement
Cotton candy, Funnel cakes, and much more
Preformers on the midway
Jugglers Juggling any object imaginable
Clown clowning around
Bands playing music throughout the fairgrounds
Displays of local arts and crafts
In the exhibit hall
There's fun at the fair for one and all
There is an abandoned motel down the road
I wander what stories it holds
Governors, presidents, celebrities
Have any of those
Graced it's rooms
Musicians, poets, writers
Might have stayed there to
Was it a quiet place
Or did it have it's share of scandals
The imagination races
With thoughts run amuck
The board is set
Everyday the players move
Strategically moving through this life
Trying to survive
Trying not to be removed from the board
For when that happens
Checkmate, game over
Farmers work hard everyday
To provide for family and the world around them
Cattle and crops loaded onto trucks
To supermarkets all over the country
Build fence
Haul hay
That is all apart of the farm life
Milk cows
Feed livestock
Gather crops and ship them out
A hungry nation needs to eat
He travels alone across the land
Fighting the evil that is slowly taking over
A land of pure beauty and peace
Gone to waste and decay
He has fought against the dark forces
Fought goblins, dwarves, dragons, and other such things
Fought black magic wizards, corrupt kings, and knights
He must be careful for there is a bounty on his head
If he his caught he surely will be hanged
yet he continues to fight against the forces of evil
A sword and a bow his only weapons
A friend to Elves and men
They say he is the son of the old king
And The one who should be on the throne
Knights and dragons
Kings and Queens
Wizards cast spells
Jesters clown around
The medieval Realm
Fantasy play
And creatures I can't name
Adventure bounds
At every step
Wizards with the knowledge of the ages
Casting spells for good and bad
Knights fight
Swords clash
Metal on metal
Arrows launched from bows
Kings of old
Leading knights into war
defending their country with them
Gone are those days
Of hatred of skin and ethnic backgrounds
Yes it still exists in place
But hopefully people will come into the light
America is for everybody
Not just a select few
America is a land of opportunity
Surf's up catch some waves
Ride them into shore
Deep sea fishing
Waves hitting the side of the boat
Boats and jet skis
Going by all the time
Waves rocking my boat
On shore people run and play
Swim in the water
Kites in the air
Beach balls being tossed around
On the other side of reality
The mind can only wander
The imagination takes shape
So let us take a look beyond the looking glass
Animals in human clothes
Talking and acting
As humans should
Humans are the wild beasts
In the forest or mountain Glen
Some of the Animals have humans as pets
The humans can talk and use normal words
Cars fly
Trains soar
Plains and jets are no more
Motorcycles even have wings
Boats float within the clouds
Instead of on the sea
Pollution is no problem here
Nothing runs on gasoline
Buildings made in such a way
You can reform and reshape them
Almost as if made with some sort of clay
Here we go on the road
No plans
Just drive
No maps
Just go wherever the road takes us
Driving through the mountains
Beauty in the views
Going over bridges with rivers far down below
Valleys and villages everywhere
A waterfall down that mountainside
As we drive through towns
Both great and small
Yard sales here and there
Flea Markets and local restaurants
Show off the local flare
Driving along the coastline
Beach after Beach after Beach
Families having fun
swimming in the sun
Sand castles on the beach
Kids flying kites
Beach Volleyball games going on
Look even a seaside wedding taking place
Spongebob and Patrick
Have been friends since they were babies
This picture shows then having fun
Who knew at such a young age
Their friendship would last their whole life long
But for now
Spongebob and Patrick playing in the pen
Having fun
That is how it all began
Could I have a friend
With different political views
A true friendship could overlook them
A true friendship should not be based on politics
That kind of stuff just gets in the way
My friend and I could hold different views
As long as we respected each other
Because true friendship
Is about being together
Not which side you're on
A true friendship could withstand
No matter how the political winds blow
We are a close family
Together we stand
We celebrate each other's triumphs
Comfort each other when Sad
Treat each other with respect at all times
Would I die to save my family?
I would without a moments thought
Sometimes I joke about it with the kids
You know just for laughs
But, I hope they know it is true
My wife is the same way
I would put myself in harms way
To protect her
My wife and kids mean everything to me
Without them
My life would mean nothing
My life would be empty
Just another wandering soul without meaning
The year of the great Snowball fight
A winter free for all
Against all the other kids in the neighborhood
There was the one year where it snowed that night
By morning it had frozen over
There are always those
Who show off there skill with snow sculpting
Snowmen and women of every shape and size
Snowforts some pretty elaborate
Then there are those of us
Who choose to stay in
And watch the snowfall
Sitting by the fire
Hot coco with Marshmallows to drink
Anyways just some of the winter memories I have
Day and night It's the same
Ringing in the ears
Driving me insane
From sun up to sunset
Noise, noise, and more noise
I wish I could have at least 5 minutes of silence
A message in a bottle floats upon the sea
I know not where it goes
Is it a cry for help
From someone trapped on an Island somewhere
Is it a love letter
Floating to points unknown
Maybe it's a letter to say HI to someone
Across the sea
Travel on little bottle
Carry your message to where it belongs
Travel on little bottle
Safe journey
That nasty rooster chased me everyday
When I went out to get the eggs
I tripped once
Got pecked and scratched
This was common when I was a kid
The rooster puffed up
The rooster acted so big
That is until he became dinner
Chasing my brother and I was one thing
Put when he chased Grandma
Grandpa had enough
And off with that rooster's head
Dad: Tony, How do you feel?
Me: Whatever dad.
Dad: what does that mean?
Me: I don't feel bad, but I don't feel good.
I feel just empty inside dad, that's about the only way to explain it.
From my earliest days music heard
Rather it be vocal, instrument, or birdAt a yard sale you never know what you might find
Long lost treasures that had been hidden away
Waiting for a day
Treasure hunting on a day so fine
Late at night I become awake
Because of some words I hear spoken
I turn on my side to see
A bug-eyed creature looking at me
It said in a soft tone. " Sorry to wake you, but on the way to the bathroom I stubbed my toe." I responded " OK, just be more careful next time.".
The creature went to the bathroom
When it came back finding me still awake
We sat and talked until day break
Back under the bed it went
Night after night this has become a common thing
I like the nighty visits
Soar like the birds
Wind whipping by
That is freedom and that is you
Though you don't fly son
You run
Never stop
Hold nothing back
You have the freedom to reach your goals
Yes, a young man fresh out of High School
Big dreams
Big hopes
You can do it
You have the freedom to
Poetry is a forest
I am the lumberjack hacking through it
With my emotions
With my strengths
With my heart and soul
The farther I get into poetry
The more I become aware of who I am
As a person
As a member of the human race
The deeper I go into this forest
The more I see the beauty around me
The forest of poetry
As I sit here on the beach
As I look out at the ocean and the waves rolling in
A tear escapes my eye
As you return in my mind
Not that long just last year
We played and swam in the water
Cooked on the grill had a picnic
We even sat here on the beach and watched the sunset
Arms around each other
As the sun slowly sank
Not long after that
You met someone new
You left with him
And left me alone
A year has past Since that day
That day at the beach that is
Memories like the waves
Washing in once more
Calling out to all of fairytale land. Come out to Ole King Cole stadium. To see the rock group The Madhater and his Wonderland band. As they play hit after hit. Hits like "Deck of Cards", "Big and small", and their number 1 hit "Down The Rabbit Hole" makes plans to come see them now. Ticket prices are insanely low
The circus is in town
Time for fun and laughs
The circus is in town
Let's go
The smells of the Carnival
Whiff through my nose
The sights and sounds
Hit my eyes and ears
Fun to be had at every turn
Food trucks all over the place
Fried food
Funnel cakes
Cotton candy
Just to name a few
Food here from all over the world
Carnival rides
To thrill us
To spill us
And in some cases to make us throw up
But that's just part of the fun
Under the big tent
Lion tamers
Highline walking without a net
Ooos and Aaahs throughout the crowd
High diving act
Man being shot from a cannon
Trapeze stingers high above
After a day like today
The excitement of the mid-way
I know I will sleep good tonight
Standing in a feild of dandelions
Watching them sway in the wind
A mysterious door in front of me
Appears in the middle of nowhere
I walk to the door
Open and walk through
There stood before me
Walking talking dandelions
Just like me and you
Another door I see
I walk through that one
Dandelions acting like wild beasts
This fun adventure made me flee
Back through the door behind
Once through that door
I run to the last
Back to my would
Back to where I belong
The moon shone brightly
As two figure apper from the shadows
In the light of a street lamp
Both in their mid-rwenties
One male
One female
The man's name was Jack
The Woman's name was Jill
They had spent the night running
From the Big Bad Wolf
They went to a nearby house
Owned by Red Riding Hood
Who took them into her home
And hid them the best she could
After a while they came out of hiding
Hood asked " Why is the wolf after you two?"
Jill answered " He wants to put Jack and I in his stew."
Jack added" He also wants my goose that lays the Golden egg."
Whatever are we to do
Hood thought a moment and came up with a plan
"You two lead the wolf over here. I hit him with my fying pan."
So Jack and Jill went back out
The wolf saw them and chased them all about
Soon Jack and Jill had him on the run
Hood gave the signal and the two lead the wolf over that way
When the wolf tried to pass Hood's door
And the wolf was layed out on the floor
Jack, Jill, and Riding Hood, buried the wolf in the woods
That was the last of the Big Bad Wolf
He wasn't seen anymore
The next evening
The went to the coolest place in town
A Jazz place called " The Wall.
Owned by Humpty Dumpty or HD. By his friends
Together they celebrated and listened to
The Three Little Pigs jazz trio
Everyone was happy ever after
there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...