Monday, July 24, 2017


I cry out to those
Around looking for a friend
No one seems to care

Depression is Like

Depression is like
A spear of ice
Stuck into your heart
Freezing you
From the inside out

Depression is like
Living in a world of shadows
No sun to warm you
Always cold
Always alone
You can hear people talking
But they sound
Distant and far away

Depression is like
Being half dead
You may be alive
To the world around you
You feel dead inside


Free as the wing blows
Nothing to hold me
Nothing to hinder my dreams

I set my goals
I believe in my dreams
I will follow them to the end

there will be people to say I'm crazy
I can't do that
Why even try

I have a spirit
Afire inside
That pushes me forward
That will not die

As a poet

As a poet
I bare my soul
Opening my heart
Letting my emotions flow

As a poet
I explore the world around
Feeling the very core of existence
Laying the beat down

As a poet
I get stressed
Pouring out my emotions
Help me untangel that mess

As a poet
I am emotionally charged
Letting the world know
My words come from the heart


Beautiful in heart, mind, and soul
Engaging personality
Always caring about others
Utilizing your strengths
Talented as well as smart
Intelligent conversations
Fun to be around
Unrestraint truth
Loving and kind

Common Ground

I know we come from different

Let us find a common ground
Let us work up from there
For we can be friends
If we just give it a chance
Tear down the boundaries between us
Throw away that which sets us apart from each other
Let us join hand in hand

In true fellowship with one another
In honesty and truth
On the way to world peace
Starting with me and you


I dreamed I was a spaceman
High above the Earth
About the size of a football field
Although twice as long
All this space makes me feel strong

I dreamed I was a Cowboy
Riding upon the range
Within the sun and the rain
With my horse and saddle
Always by my side
Anything these cattle do
I take in stride

I dreamed I was a mighty sailor
Here among the waves
Pirates attack
I send them to a watery grave
I am the greatest sailor
The world has ever known
Here upon the waves
The ocean is my home

I dreamed I was a soldier
In a land out far
I returned home
Emotionally wounded
Highly battle scared
I fought for freedom
For all within the land
For that freedom
I made my stand

I dreamed I was a Hippie
Spreading peace throughout the land
Against war and injustice
I make my stand
“Peace not war”
Would be my battle cry
I would sound that call
Until the day I die


Am a
Friend to those
Who need a friend
Spread kindness around this world needs all it can get

I write Down

I write down my feelings
I write down my thoughts
To release the tension
Growing upon my heart


Peace is what we need
Not hatred
Peace is what we need
Not fighting

Sow the seeds of peace
Do away with war
Sow the seeds of peace

We'll killing each other
Nobody wins
Everyone looses
Children loose parents
Neighbors loose friends
Wives loose husbands
Husbands loose wives

Make peace
Not war
Give peace a chance
Put away your guns
Give peace a chance

Let's just have fun


If you don’t stand sincere by your words
how sincere can other people be
Take great care over words, treasure them 

The Machine

They wave their signs
While standing in picket lines
Down with the machine
Down with the oppression

They march
They protest
Against the tyranny upon the land

They fight for their rights
As well As
The rights of those around them

Knowing full well
That they make themselves targets
Targets for the machine to hunt down
Targets for the machine to capture

They rage war against the machine
They rage war against the falsehood
That has become truth


True wisdom
Comes from life
Lived in full


Angels are messengers sent to us by God
They are from a land far above
When you are in trouble and you need a friend who cares
Just get on your knees and say a little prayer
God will send an angel to be beside you on your way
So remember there is an angel walking with you every single day
 Because of which you should never be afraid

By The Lake

Here by the lake I sit
Thinking about life
Wandering if It's worth it
The hurt and the pain
The Sorrow and rain
Flood my soul
With depths of which untold

As I watch the ripples upon the lake
I feel as though my life's at stake
Being ripped apart
Straight from the heart
A pain of despair
I feel my life is going nowhere

Here at the lake I sit
Thinking about life
Wondering if it's worth it


Break fence
Chase them down
Bring back and fix


Do drugs
Live your life
Drugs will only
Shorten your life span
So don't do drugs
It's a waste
Of your


He watches the other kids
Playing outside
He wishes he could be a part of the fun
A part of their world
Laughed at all day at school
Home now
Crying in the corner of his room

He does not understand
Why they seem to hate him so
He tries to be a nice guy
He tries to be friends
Everyone laughs at him instead

What has he done
He wonders
What is so funny
Why does nobody like him

He seems to be
The outcast
The Loner
Though he wishes
That were not so
He wishes to have friends
As well as be a friend

Maybe someday
He will find a friend
Maybe someday
Someone will let him in

Out of the dark and gloom
Into the light
Someone will see what a great person he is
Someone will be his friend

I feel

Some days I feel as if I can fly
I could spread my wings and soar
As high as an Eagle
As high as the tallest mountain
No holding back
Free as the wind
Nothing to tie me down

Some days I feel as if nothing can touch me
I am the strongest of the strong
I could stop that speeding bullet
More powerful that an Army tank
I can stand against anything
Nothing can slow me down

Some days I feel anything is possible
That all is within my reach
All I have to do is go for it
Nothing can stop me
I ran the race and I have won

Some days I feel like taking life head on
Showing it who’s boss
Grabbing life by the horns and giving it a shake
Letting life know it can not stand in my way
I will knock it over
I will keep on going
Without even looking back

Some days I feel as if I could accomplish anything
My wildest dreams could come true
All is possible
Nothing is out of my reach
Every goal
Every dream
Can be mine in reality

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...