Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Natasha (A Nort the Newt Story)

Natasha the newt here to tell you what it is like working with Steve the salamander on his cooking show.  When I applied for a job on the crew of the show, I had no idea I would end up marrying the cook.  I started in makeup, then after a while there I moved to prep, getting everything ready for the show.  Then later moved of to working the lights, then did the sound, then editing, the working with the camera.  We never had a catering service provide meals for the crew of the show, Steve always fed us what he was making.  Steve had a habit of calling one of the crew members up to cook with him, or to cook something all their own.  I later found out this habit started when his mom ran the show.  Steve was very easy to get along with, and still is.  Steve is always open to try new things, rather it's a cooking idea, or lighting, or a way to present the show.  Steve tries to stay up to date on the latest food trends, video tech, sound systems, lighting systems, or anything else that might help the show. 
          No matter how hard you try mistakes will happen.  One time Steve was baking something then got caught up in doing something else, forgetting about the oven until we saw black smoke pouring out.  Thankfully the was no fire, but the dish was ruined.  Then there was one time Steve had just finished backing and decorating this beautiful cake.  A crew member went to place it on a back table for all of us to enjoy.  That crew member tripped over a cord, and the cake went flying, landed on top of my head, I had cake all over me.  Then there was the time a crew member was showing Steve how to make something.  They turned the mixer on to high, Stuff went flying all over the set.  Then there was the time I was helping Steve.  Dummy me was standing to close to the stove, caught my apron of fire.  Nothing major, it was quickly put out, with no injuries had.

          I could go on and on, but that is enough for now.  As time went on Steve and I stared dating.  A relationship grew and we became a couplefinally enough time went by, and our relationship kept growing, and he asked me to marry him.

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