Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Be a man

"Be a man" we're told,
But to what does that involve,
It's confusing to make a mold,
From which we cannot evolve.

So does that mean.........

A hardened shell,
With anger for protection,
A showing stare,
With little affection,
A chip on the shoulder,
For an extra dimension,
A stiff upper lip,
Don't lose your grip,
A low muffled voice,
Talking of no choice,
Working all day,
To keep the family at bay,
Enough's not enough,
Getting money can be tough,
And at the end of the day,
We shout our cares away.

Or could it mean.........

A knowing soul,
With love for protection,
Softened eyes,
For care and affection,
Love in his heart,
Felt by an extra dimension,
A freedom in life,
Free from the strife,
A genuine voice,
And you have your choice,
When the day is done,
We all have our fun,
Money comes and money goes,
Love is enough, happiness grows,
And at the end of the day,
When all is said and done,
A mans probably a bit of everything,
A lover, father and a son.

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