Monday, July 3, 2017

The Wedding Party (A Nort the Newt story)

The party after the wedding to celebrate the joyful union between Sally the salamander to Nort the newt, and to Natasha the newt to Steve the salamander.  Was held with much joy, fun, and laughter.  Everyone dancing, eating, and having a good time.  Things of note, When the couples went to cakes.  They each took a piece of cake and fed it to each other ( looked more like smashing it in their face.)  When the couples went to take the dance floor, Nort tripped.  Steve tried to catch him and they both fell to the floor.  Willow the wolf cub caught the flowers thrown by Sally, and Mandy the mountain lion cub caught the flowers thrown by Natasha.  A boxing match started between rwo of the guests, and they had to be told to leave.  After things had calm down and everyone was seated.  Nathan stood up, raised his glass and said" To the lucky couples, may the four of them live with unending love of each other."  There were a round of cheers as glasses all around were raised.  Then Harry the hawk stood up and said" How do I follow that, except to say congratulations and may your lives ever be filled with joy."  Again another round of cheers, with glasses raised.  Later Steve spoke with Nort" I thought the Great Horned Owl, only liked doing weddings that only had one couple in it.  How did you get him to do a double wedding?"  Nort told Steve" You are right he is one for tradition in this sort of matter.  I was doing some work for him and we discussed it.  He was still not sure about the idea, but decided he would do it."  Nathan sneaked up behind Steve and spooked him.  Nathan asked" Where are the lovely women?"  Steve answered" Over there talking to the bride's maids."  Nathan added" Well congratulations, and Steve thank your friend again for catering the wedding party."  Steve said" Will do."  However as all good parties must come to an end.  Both couples walked to the end of the clearing where two friends Harry the hawk, and his wife Helen the hawk were waiting. Nort and Sally climbed onto Harry's back, Steve and Natasha climbed onto Helen's back.  The launched into the air, waving at the crowd below.

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock