Monday, July 3, 2017

I will not change a word

You will have to change your poem they said
Some of your language is not appropriate
No I said

You do not tell me how to write
You do not tell me how to express myself
You do not tell me how to release the emotional flood within me

I write and still I get pulled down into the undertow
In the current of emotional thought
Yes some of my language is crude
But that is just the state my mind is in
You have no say
I have no say
The words flow from pure emotion
Unto the page

Every word is an out pouring of
An out pouring of pure emotional force
A true sign
That I am human

Every word
No matter the wording
Is spilled from my heart and soul

I will not change a word of it
For to do so would be a betrayal
A betrayal to myself
A betrayal to who I am
A betrayal to human existence

Every word
The language
Rush out from the flood gates of the soul
I have no control over it
The flood cleanses

I will change nothing
I will not deny the truth
That lies behind each word
The language may be crude for some
It is truth at it's essence

You will have to change your poem they said
Some of your language is not appropriate
No I said

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock