Monday, August 21, 2017


I do not see
Why you hate me so
Are we both not human?

As a Poet

As a poet
I calm fears
Let others know
They are not alone

As a poet
I heal
The hurting
The broken hearted
Those who have been dealt harshly
By life itself

As a poet
I create
Worlds of magic and wonder
Worlds of splendor and peace

As a poet
I reach deep into the very core
Of human existance
To bring forth
The purest
The truest
Of that which we are as a people

As a poet
I share my heart and soul
I bare it all
I hide nothing


Give peace a chance
Let peace in our land
Our land has been destroyed by war
Our land has been destroyed by gangs
Let peace be

Let human lives value
In every human heart
In every human soul
Peace to every
May peace grow


Always on call
Ready to go
Yearning for freedom


Birds singing in the trees a wonderful way to wake up

Hide and Seek

You hide I seek.  Face the tree count to ten, then sound the call," Ready or not here I come".  Oh where oh where are we hiding, behind the car, to easy.  Behind the bush, worth a look.  Damn, he was behind the car, the chase is on.  we race toward base, both red in the face.  I want to tag him however he made it, he's safe.  This time I hide and you seak.  Alight Tony, I will start counting, you go hide.   "Ready or not here I, AAAHHHH!  Tony what are trying to do give me a heart attack, standing behind me like that.  Dinner time need to go in, have a good evening, see you tomorrow my friend.   See you tomorrow as well, by the way Tony, Never do that again.  Noted


For the
Joy in your
Heart and soul
Let the music ring for all to hear

Adventure abounds

Adventure abounds
Go where no one else dares to
Become your true self
Become all that you can be
Take life to the most extream

A Rose

A rose
To show you my love
A rose
To show you I care


My heart feels a thousand sorrows
my mouth speaks of a thousand troubles
I look for someone to talk to, but I find I am alone
 A cry for companionship builds in my soul
It burns as it makes it’s way to my mouth
 Fire spews from my mouth as I release the cry
When all is said and done I find no one has answered my cry
 So I return to the dark corners of my mind to sob and cry

Do Life Big

Do life big
Don't hold back
Go for it

I am Free

I am that I am
Nothing more
Nothing less

I am free to travel life’s pathways
To journey to the unknown
To enjoy each footstep
As I walk the path of life

I live for the adventure of it all
To take on what life brings
To meet the challenges of each day
To not back down

I am free to love
To share my emotional state with another
To share compassion
To be one with those around me


Hand in hand
friends we are

Rodney the Raccoon (A Nort the Newt story)

Nort the Newt here to tell you about my friend Rodney the Raccoon.  Rodney was a great kid and fun to hang out with.  He was new in my neck of the forest and lonely.  So I introduced myself and we became friends.  We would play games, run races.  I though it would be nice for him to make more friends.  So I started introducing him to other kids in the forest.  My brother Nathan, Steve the Salamander, and I became his best friends.  Which proved to be a friendship for a very long time.
          Later on in life Rodney, Steve, Nathan, and I would go to a club called "The Hawk".  (This place was owned by some distant relative of Harry's).  Nectar or Honey juice were our drinks of choice.  Rodney, Steve, and Nathan always flirting with the girls. I already had my girl, So I just sat and drank.  More than once the bartender had to wake us up because the club was closing and we had drank so much we had passed out.
          Of course there comes a time when you decide to get cleaned up.  When that time had come, the four of us made a pact to help each other resist the drink.  When one of us started slipping, the others would be right there to help them stay strong.  Getting sober was good, Steve's sister Sally never liked me drinking anyways.  Plus the others were getting into relationships as well.

          Rodney has remained a good friend and has helped me on many projects I have worked on.  When he got married to his wife Rhonda the Raccoon, Nathan, Steve, And I were there to help celebrate their joy.  

Childhood Memories (A Nort the Newt Story)

Rodney the raccoons hare to tell you a couple of stories.  One day Nort the Newt, his brother Nathan and sister Natasha, Steve the Salamander and his sister Sally, A few more of our freiends, and I were playing kickball.  I was pitching the ball, Nort was up to kick.  I rolled the ball, Nort kicked it, The next thing I know.  I am lying on my back in the dirt, because the ball had struck me in the forehead.  Nort was good about it and took an out.
          One day I was walking along a path in the forest, when I came upon Nort.  He was upset about something so I sat down and we talked.  Turned out that he has just had a big blowup with Nathan.  I put my arm around his shoulder and we just sat there for a while.  Finally we both got up and walked the path together.
          One day we had all gotten together to play a game of tag.  In the prossess of not getting taged.  I tripped over a root.  Nort stumbled into a thorn bush, and had a few scratches.  later on in the Game Nort and Sally ran into each other.  Nathan and I also ran into each other.

          One day we got together to go swimming.  There was a rope that hung from the tree next to the water.  We would swing out on the rope, then let go and dive in.  We would try to dunk each other under the water, had splashing contests to see who could make the biggest spray.

Calling Out

I'm calling out
Lord please see
I am in need
Shine your light
Make me whole
Before the darkness takes it's toll

I need a hug

I need a hug
The warm embrace of another
A gesture of friendship and care

I need a hug
I am feeling quite low
A hug to refuel my energy

I need a hug
A kind soul
A loving heart
Willing to warm this icy void
I feel I've become

Do I not count to anyone
I want to know someone cares
I want to know that someone is happy
That I exist


Don't do drugs
Don't waste your life
Don't put yourself
Through all that strife

Drugs mess up your mind
Drugs mess up your soul
Drugs really take a toll

Live your life
Live it well
Drugs are a one way trip
Down to Hell

Enjoy your life
Enjoy your days
Do not live
In a druged out haze

Don't do drugs
Don't waste your life
Don't put yourself
Through all that strife

Land Across The Sea

In the land across the sea
One can be truly free
With their thoughts
With their ways
With the coming of each day

I long for that land far away
To feel it’s breeze
To watch trees sway
To walk in the woods
To live as I wish

I desire someday
To land upon it’s shore
To have cares no more
To live as I please
To have no one to annoy me


Don't try to change me into who you want me to be
See who I am and accept it

Biscuits and Gravy

Biscuits and gravy
Heaven on a plate

Faith (Holy Thoughts)

Jesus is the tree of all life, as Christian we are the branches, the ground is the Bible.  As we put our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we grow strong and tall.  Our roots grow deep into the Bible making a firm foundation.  No matter what life may throe at you, or how the winds of the world may blow.  If you place your branch in the everlasting trunk of the father, and the roots are firmly deep within his almighty word.  There is no way you can fall

Faith without works (Bible Study)

James 2:14-26

 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?  If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food,  and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?  So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.  You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!  Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless?  Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar?  You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works;  and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God.  You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.  And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?  For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead

The Unwanted

He was the boy no one wanted
Small and afraid
No one at all to love him
Only himself to blame
What did I do
I was just born
Why do you hate me
Why all the scorn
Night after night
Day after day
In silence as he weeps
The boy no one wanted
Reaches out to thee

She was the girl that no one wanted
Small and afraid
No one to love her
What did I do
I was just born
Why do you hate me
Why all the scorn
Night after night
Day after day
In silence she weeps
The girl that no one wanted
Reaches out to thee

The unwanted exist
On the street
Dark alleys
Empty lots

The unwanted exist in big cities
As well as small town
The unwanted exist where child abuse abounds

The Sad Clown

I am a clown
I wear a frown
They laugh at my hurt
They laugh at my pain
Mean while
I slowly go insane

Can they not see the tears
Flowing like a mighty river
From my eyes
They laugh

Can they not see
That something is wrong with me
I need help
Not laughs
I need a friend
Not laughs

I am a clown
I wear a frown
They laugh at my hurt
They laugh at my pain
Mean while
I slowly go insane

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The water balloon fight

Got my water balloon in hand
More in a secret location
This is war
Every man for himself

Me against the neighborhood
This will be fun
We will all get soaked
Outside in the hot sun

A water balloon flies by
Barely missing
The thrower in sight

I run to the secret pile
Dodging balloons and getting wet
I make it
All the balloons are here
no one has found it yet

Two five gallon buckets
Attached to bungee cord
As the enemy approaches
I pull back one of the buckets
An attack of balloons go flying
String down the advancing numbers

Hit in the back
I spin around and launch the other bucket of balloons
Knocking some out of trees
Others in plain sight

Some kids hide behind parked cars
When I see them rise
I throw one water balloon after another

After awhile
And much much wetter
We decide to call a truce
Friends once more
With memories to last a life time

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...