Monday, August 7, 2017

Natasha (A Nort the Newt story)

Natasha the newt here to tell you some stories about growing up with Nort.  When my parents first adopted Nort, Like my brother Nathan I was not sure what to make of him.  Though he proved an awesome brother to us both time and time again.
          Having Nort as a brother was fun.  I was a girl, I played with dolls and had tea parties and such.  Nort would join me when I asked him, With my other brother Nathan it was like pulling teeth.  But Nort was always happy to do it.  Don't get me wrong all three of us did plenty of stuff together, and always had a good time.
          One time I had some of my "Girlfriends" over for a tea party.  Nort was there for a little bit, and had all of us cracking up laughing.  He was telling jokes, singing silly songs, Talking in strange voices.  Soon though me and the girls wanted to talk alone.  Nort never said a word just got up and left.  Nort and I were playing house with my dolls once, and with the care he took with those dols I knew he would be a good husband and father To someone some day.

          Nort was cool to have as a brother growing up.  You could tell he loved both Nathan and I, He loved our parents.  He was a faithful friend and true as can be.  

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