Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Girl Time (A Nort the Newt story)

Nora the New and Sally the Salamander met for lunch one day.  Over lunch they talked about many things.  About halfway through lunch Sally asked "Nora if you don't mind me asking, How did you overcome your addictions?"  Nora looked up at Sally and said.  "That is a long story, though I will tell it if you wish." Nora paused then continued "I tried doing the group thing for awhile, but it never panned out for me.  I then had some friends( Who had gone through the same thing) bolt a chair to the floor of my house, and tie me in it.  I then told them that no matter what do not untie me for one month. So for one month I had friends over constantly to take care of my every need.  While I was tied they searched the house high and low, for any drug that I may have hidden.  God bless them, for I know at times I was not at all nice, during the withdrawal of that toxin from my system, but they stayed the course and stuck with it for that month.  After the month was over they untied me.  I then had friends check on me daily. I even had a few live with me for a while.  Whenever I felt like backsliding, one of my friends would remind me that I was doing this to reunite with my son.  So Nort became my motivation.  Seeing the son I never knew became the light in my darkest times.  About a month after being untied, feeling refreshed and with more energy than I had in years.  My friends and I started the search that finally led me to your boyfriend.  Well Sally that is my story."

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