Monday, August 21, 2017

Hide and Seek

You hide I seek.  Face the tree count to ten, then sound the call," Ready or not here I come".  Oh where oh where are we hiding, behind the car, to easy.  Behind the bush, worth a look.  Damn, he was behind the car, the chase is on.  we race toward base, both red in the face.  I want to tag him however he made it, he's safe.  This time I hide and you seak.  Alight Tony, I will start counting, you go hide.   "Ready or not here I, AAAHHHH!  Tony what are trying to do give me a heart attack, standing behind me like that.  Dinner time need to go in, have a good evening, see you tomorrow my friend.   See you tomorrow as well, by the way Tony, Never do that again.  Noted

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock