Monday, August 14, 2017

Childhood Memories (A Nort thr Newt story)

Nathan the Newt here to tell you about a couple of memories from our childhood.  Natasha had gone out with some friends of her's.  While she was gone  Nort went into her room, and put on one of her dresses over his own clothes.  Then he came into my room and did an impression of our sister, that had me laughing my head off.  While this was going on, Natasha came back and saw what was going on.  She blew up.  She was yelling at Nort, Nort was yelling at her.  I was laughing like a loon.  Finally we all calmed down and saw the humor in the whole thing.
          One day Nort, Natasha, and I, Steve the Salamander, and his sister Sally.  Went to go see a waterfall.  We went flying on the backs of Harry the hawk, and his friends Hank, and Howard.  The flight was awesome.  Looking down upon the forest from high above the trees.  When we got to the waterfall, we were at awe.  The beauty and majesty of it all.  Their were not just one waterfall, I noticed we were in a canyon, and there were waterfalls all around us.  A river that was fed by the falls went out between two rock walls.  After enjoying the view for a while.  We climbed back onto the backs of Harry and his friends, and took to the air.  We followed the river for a bit, then headed back home. 

          A side note, While we were at the falls.  I saw the way Sall and Nort were looking at each other, and the way they acted with each other.  I told my sister. "I think Nort has a girlfriend."  Then I said to Steve "I think Sally has a boyfriend."  At the time it was nothing big, but sure enough A few days later they started dating.

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