Monday, August 21, 2017

Childhood Memories (A Nort the Newt Story)

Rodney the raccoons hare to tell you a couple of stories.  One day Nort the Newt, his brother Nathan and sister Natasha, Steve the Salamander and his sister Sally, A few more of our freiends, and I were playing kickball.  I was pitching the ball, Nort was up to kick.  I rolled the ball, Nort kicked it, The next thing I know.  I am lying on my back in the dirt, because the ball had struck me in the forehead.  Nort was good about it and took an out.
          One day I was walking along a path in the forest, when I came upon Nort.  He was upset about something so I sat down and we talked.  Turned out that he has just had a big blowup with Nathan.  I put my arm around his shoulder and we just sat there for a while.  Finally we both got up and walked the path together.
          One day we had all gotten together to play a game of tag.  In the prossess of not getting taged.  I tripped over a root.  Nort stumbled into a thorn bush, and had a few scratches.  later on in the Game Nort and Sally ran into each other.  Nathan and I also ran into each other.

          One day we got together to go swimming.  There was a rope that hung from the tree next to the water.  We would swing out on the rope, then let go and dive in.  We would try to dunk each other under the water, had splashing contests to see who could make the biggest spray.

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