Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Your poems are not trash

Your poems are not trash
Don't throw them away
Your poems are a releases
For the emotional build up inside

Your poems are not trash
So they may not make sence to some people
They don't have to
As long as they speak from the heart and soul
Your poems will reach those
Who need to hear them

Your poems are not trash
Your emotional health is at risk
To truly grow from childhood to adult
One must have a release
A way of dealing with the
And other emotions of life
To open the flood gates from time to time
To let it all pour out
To let it all wash away
The heart can heal it's wounds
If you let it

Your poems are not trash
For the sake of who you are
As a person
As a member of the human race
Please remember

Your poems are not trash

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