Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Beast

I am a beast
A monster
A hideous creature
From the darkest shadows of life
Blood thirsty
Terrible to behold
Those who look upon me
Die instantly


Hot day
Went swimming
In the Ocean


Kite flies high
Kite flies low
Kite hits tree

Pay it forward

One hand reaches out amd pulls a lost soul from harm
That last soul gives to a homeless man
That homeless man helps change a flat tire
The owner of the car gives someone a much needed ride
That person gives to charity
That charity gives to the poor in the neiborhood
A teen served by that charity helps with a clean up project in their nieborhood
I could go on and on this way, but one thing I will say


Making the same mistakes time and again
Always learning the hard way
May you finish one day

Lift up your hands

Lift up your hands in praise
Lift up your hands in joy
Lift up your hands and dance

Dance like you've never danced before
With all your energy
With your whole soul
Holding nothing back
Dance as if life depends on it

Lift up your hands in praise
Lift up your hands in joy
Lift up your hands and sing

Sing for joy
Sing your heart out
Sing your soul out
It does not matter how well you sing
Just sing
Let your voice be heard
Let the world know you live

Lift up your hands in praise
Lift up your hands in joy
Lift up your hands to sing and dance


I beg your Forgiveness Lord
I cry your mercy
Upon this sinful life of mine
I have done wrong
I have caused shame
Now it’s time for a change

With your mercy and overwhelming love
I am set free
No longer bound by the
Mistakes and failures of the past
Free to a bright and honest future


As new christians
we learn what it means to be a Christians
Following in the path of Jesus
Thus we are eggs waiting to be hatched
We must not be content with following others
leting them lead us in the way of Christ
Someday we must hatch from our eggs
To let our Spirits grow and take flight
In the wanderous Glory that is knowing Christ for ourselves
Thus we become the teacher to help other eggs hatch.

Rivers (Holy Teaching)

If you want to govern the people
You must place yourself below them.
If you want to lead people
You must learn how to follow them
Just as all streams flow to the sea
because it is lower than they are
humility gives it its power
If you want to govern the people
you must place yourself below them
If you want to lead the people
You must learn how to follow them

Small (Holy Teaching)

“Work at things before they’ve begun
and establish order before confusion sets in,
for a tree you can barely reach around
grows from the tiniest rootlet,
a nine-tiered tower
starts as a basket of dirt,
a thousand-mile journey
begins with a single step.”

Strength (Bible Study)

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,
Feel weak,feel worn out, feel like you are not cut out for the job.  Call on God, he will give you enough strength to deal with this, and so much more

Truth finders (Bible Study)

Luke 6:26

Jesus said There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others.  Saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them.  Popularity contests are not truth contests.  Look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors!  Your task is to be true, not popular

Life Then and Now

Looking back all my life has been
One constant ugly sin
For one moment I had some light
The darkness came like the night

Now I’m barely hanging on
Life has faded
Life has gone
Now I’m in a trance
I could miss the pain
I would not have the chance

There was truth in my life
Then I took on all this strife
The problem set in the ground
My life has always put me down

Now I just carry on
It’s raining all day long
I will drowned in these tears
If I don’t understand this fear


Linda I love you
In every wy I know how
I love who you are
I always feel loved by you
Forever we shall remain


A rose for me
A rose for you
Given to each other
To show our love is true

Through thick and thin
Arguments and fights
We have stuck together
Side by side

There have been dark days
There have been bright
Our love continues to grow
Out of sight

Memories made
Time shared together
Like a fine wine
This keeps getting better

A rose for me
A rose for you
Given to each other
To show our love is true

Life Is

Life is full of trials
Life is full of pain
You learn from life’s lessons
You live with life’s passion
Life is a mystery
Life is a dance
Life is full of choices
So learn to take a chance

Never Surrender

Clashing with predicaments on earth,
Adversities confront you to the finish.

Conflicts try to seize your soul,
Aiming to hold you as a hostage.

As your flag is held way up high,
Feuds can turn it upside down.

Admitting defeat will cause agony,
Leading to the challenges from grief.

Oppose all enemies in the vicious battles,
Confronting the threats to dedication.

Never surrender to the war of life,
Prevailing to the path from glory

The Door

Door stands
Open for
Anyone who
Dares to venture and see what lies inside

His Blood

His blood flowed from the cross flowed to the ground
His blood washed away our sins
Jesus Christ paid the price


Glorious father in Heaven bestow
Onto us your wisdom and
Decrees in our lives

Paved or Gravel

Life has two roads
The paved
The gravel

The paved road
May be smooth
Easy to travel
But it may lead you astray
It may laed you
Only to a dead end
You wont see it comming
Until it's to late

The gravel rpad
Is rough
But it is the road of much reward
A road of true values
A road of true worth
The way may not always be easy
But if you hang in there
The rewards are priceless

Live Life

Life for
All it's worth
Challenge yourself
Live life with no strings attached no bounderies


A wedding of two
Happy, joyful, loving souls
May their path together be
Long and full of bliss
May they overcome what life
May throw in thier way


Love is emotion
Strongest human emotion
Love brings down the walls


Stand up for the truth
Do not listen to their lies
The truth must be known

Throw off

Throw off the shackels of conformity
Strike your own path upon this world
Stand on your own to feet


The need
The hunger
To be free
To loss all bonds
To get on my bike and ride
Rolling down the highway
With the wind in my hair

Please be quiet

Please be quiet
I don't want to hear you
It's sinking in
Everything i know to be true
One sided in a whole
Starting to take a toll
True meaning that everything that glitters aint gold
Silence is becoming greater
Really nothing to say
Every hello is followed by a talk to you later
Now or later turns into never
So i guess its really whatever this is
Realist nigga
Go figure i guess
Sometimes for some people its hard to digest.


Praise God the father in Heaven
Hold nothing back let it pour out


Creator of all life
Remind me of your awesome power
Erode away the sin and darkness within my heart
Always you are true
Teach me your way that I may live
Instill in me your knowledge and peace
Over the years you have never let me down
Now I see your glory in full majesty and honor

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...