Saturday, December 1, 2018

Mind, body, spirit (Bible study)

In Genesis 2:7 Bible says "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground  (ie. Body). And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life  (ie. Spirit), and man became a living soul  (I.e. the real you/mind). Both spirit and soul cannot die. It's the spirit in man that normally  reminds him the word of God to avoid sin. The body/flesh always go against the law of God. Read Romans 6:5-8 for further explanations. At death both spirit and soul leaves the body at same time: Once God takes His spirit, the soul also leaves the body immediately, to either paradise or to a place of torment. It's the body who remained; it was formed out of dust and must return to the dust. (i.e.dust for dust)

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