Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pictures taken at the Humansville Fall Festival over the years

Pictures of the sky

Pictures taken at Silver Dollar City (Branson Missouri) over the years


Lord in Heaven
I bow before you
Asking mercy
From my sins

I know I have wronged you
I know I have wronged your people
Much darkness
Much corruption
Was spread by my two hands

I had my forces
wiped out many
They killed
They plundered
At my very word

Now I see the error of my ways
I ask forgiveness
I wish to live my life for you
And you alone

I give my life for you
I give my life to you
Mold it
Shape it
Refine it
From this horrid beast
Into a member of you family

No matter what I did
No matter how much pain I caused
You never gave up on me
You never turned your back on me
You did not leave me in the wilderness

I praise you
I glorify you
All I want is to be with you
Side by side
As we walk down the path of life

Teach me your ways
Instill in me your spirit
So I may never turn back
So I may never sway
So I may continue upon
This path you have set before me


Jesus brings light
To this dark world
So that we
Can praise him

Pictures taken at the Dickerson Park Zoo (Springfield Missouri) over the years

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...