Thursday, November 7, 2019


When we all get to Heaven, there will be no Baptists, no Christians, No Methodists, and so on down the line.  we will be one community, of one mind and body.  no differences to separate us, just one people in peace, praising our God for all eternity.
           Why must we let things get between us here on Earth.  there are more important things to worry about, than who's version of the Gospel is correct, or which version of the Bible is better that the other, or which denomination is correct..
     People are hurting all around us.  in so many ways.  Yet here we are each denomination fighting with each other.  Instead of reaching out to those in need, Shining Christ's light in the world around them.
    No wonder people are turning away.  If we can not stand united as one in the name of God.  How can we accept the lost in the world to unite with us?

This is for all the churches around the world

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