Friday, November 8, 2019


The Media
All forms of brainwash.  trying to tell you that you are not good enough unless you buy this product of that product.  Feeding into your insecurities.  saying you must be a part of the "in" crowd.  Advertising aimed at eating away at each and every individual until you are assimilated into the system.  to just become another mindless drone.  With no thoughts or expression of your own.   Then once the media and advertisers get a handle on  a few people.  Those people use peer pressure to draw in their friends and others.  Those that fight back, who choose not to follow the crowd.  Are shunned and looked at as outcasts of society.

The media
Both target the young.  Who then target their parents and friends.  As well as anyone else they can pull into the void.  I say void, because that is all it is.  A bunch of hot air with no substance, a vacuum for the weak minded.

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Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...