Wednesday, November 13, 2019


GOD has appointed me a task
I must take it on
Even though I know the task
May last my whole life long

For if I do not take on the task
I may never see
The shining new house
By the crystal sea

It takes a pure heart to do GOD’s work
It takes a good eye to see
The hurting and the poor
Or those just in need

If you are down in sin
You think you do not deserve the task
GOD will lift you up again
He will put you back on track.

I will do my work for GOD
I will not let it pass me by
For one day I’ll win the victory
Hear the Angels sing on high

GOD has appointed me a task
I must take it on
Even though I know the task
May last my whole life long

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Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...