Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Joe ( Part 1 )

Thunder cracks and lightening flashes in the distance.  As a lone traveler walks the desert road at the midnight hour.  You can tell nothing of his features, except that he is tall, slim, and his eyes glow volcano hot red.  His name is Joe, or at least that is the name he goes by, for he has gone by many over the years.  When the sun rose you could tell Joe looks like any ordinary male human.  Blue eyes (during the day that is), dark hair cut short.  The sun giving Joe a healthy tan.   Nothing about Joe's appearance would suggest that he has secrets.  Joe looks to be in his late twenties early thirties.  But he is really much, much older, For Joe has been around since the creation of the world.
  Joe coming upon some train tracks, decides to Turn from the desert road.  He travels along the tracks going from town to town, helping farmers when he can.  Doing work, anything from clearing out barns to fixing fence and everything in between.  The stories Joe could tell about his time on these farms.  He even entertains children with many of these stories.
   However after the work is done, and Joe leaves the farm.  Someone in town is dead.  Joe knows who killed that person.   For Joe himself was the killer.   Usually someone pissed him off.  Sometimes however he will follow his victims for days.  Getting to know their schedules, then when the time is right, he makes his move.
          Joe eats and sleeps, so no one gets suspicious of him.  though he really does not need to do either. .  For he feeds off the evil that is in the world around him.
     Joe has never been caught for he has learned to cover his tracks.  In order to get away clean, leaving nothing to tie him to the deaths
   He has never killed a child or rapped anyone, those are not his style.
    One day Joe picks a victim he can't kill.  Following the train tracks he wanders into a small farming town in Georgia.   Joe feels compelled to pull away from the tracks and enter the town.  He finds a farm ( owned by a family with the last name of Thompson) and finds work and a place to stay.
          The Thompsons are a nice family who's farming has gone back generations, so the family was well known and respected within the town.  Fred the husband is 38 years old, about 5 feet 9 inches, well built and strong.  Short sandy colored hair, brown eyes.  His wife Dora is 35 years old,  5 feet 4 inches, a slim plain woman, emerald green eyes and Shoulder length red hair.  They have a son named Jim who is 18 years old, and looks just like a younger version of his father.  Their Daughter's name is Heather, 15 years old, and looks like a younger version of their mom.
           On Sunday he accompanies the family to church.   At church Joe realizes the pastor is his Next victim.

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