Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Thoughts about love

Love is a strange emotion.  It can make you care deeply for someone.  It can heal emotional scarring and break down walls.  It can brighten an otherwise gloomy day.  However it also has it's troublesome side.  It can cause that emotional scarring.  A person can be so in love with a person.  That they become unhealthy to the ones they care about.  They would have no idea anything was wrong.  until they push the one they love away.
Love is truly a staggering emotion.  The human mind can not wrap itself completely around such a complex emotion.  There in no way one can truly understand such a complex emotion (though we try).
You can love someone in many differant ways.  As a friend, as family, as lovers, and I am sure there much more ways.  Love knows no gender.  Love knows no age, Love knows no ethnic group, love knows no social standings. Humans builds walls, love never does
Love, Honest pure love is beyond this world.  The world tries, however fails to grasp it's true depth.
Love accepts not shun.  Love encourages not put people down.  Love brings people together not sepperate them
Love is like fireworks bursting in bright colors within your soul
Love is like a mighty treasure.  You hunt and you hunt for the right person to spend your life with.  The search, the struggle with defeat.  Then one day you meet the one you were ment to be with.
When it comes to love most people seem more worried about what they can get out of it.  Well here is the deal.  Love is like anything else you only get what you give
Love is like a string that attaches people together.  When you show love to someone.  It is like a string that shoots out and binds the two of you together.  the more people you show love to, the more connections the string makes.  Soon everyone around is connected to on another
Love can be shown in many ways.  A kind and encouraging word, a helpful hand, rescepting each other.  These are just a few ways to show love to one another.

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