Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I love Jesus Christ

I got expelled from another school
Because I broke a major rule
By sharing Jesus Christ
The Savior of my life

But they wont shut me up
Hey no way
They wont shut me up
I will continue to say

I love Jesus Christ
He is my Lord and savior
I love Jesus Christ
I will always praise his name

I lost my job at work today
By saying that Jesus is the only way
They told me to go home
Leave us all alone

But they wont shut me up
Hey no way
They wont shut me up
I will continue to say

I love Jesus Christ
He is my Lord and savior
I love Jesus Christ
I will always praise his name


Honor and glory
Onto you forever and ever
Love and mercy are
Yours to bestow


Lord I’m depressed and feeling all alone
My life has become one loud and noisy drone
I just want your forgiveness to reach my Heavenly home

Lord, you know I never meant to go astray
Things just distracted me each and every day
Now I’m searching, looking for the way

Lord, I have sinned and done wrong
I have been rejected and looking for a place to belong
I know you accept me thou a sinner be, Thank you for your love

Lord, I have lost my way
I have forgotten the words you’d say
To help me at these times, words spoken in such a gentle way

Lord, the world has thrown me into the abyss
It is your Lord that I miss
Please help me with this stress

Lord, I am weary and I need rest
I need a place to lay my head
Through your love I feel blessed

Lord, now I take my sleep
Please send your Angels to watch over me
Death’s icy hand I do see

Lord here I am
Will you take me in
Lord here I am
I’ll ask you again
Lord here I am
Wanting to be your friend


Redeams our souls for
A life with him
Christ welcomes all to
Enter into his house

Monday, September 9, 2019


Sang to the tune of "Great Balls of fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis

Jesus is my God and Savior
Jesus is my Lord and King
I am going to praise him forever and ever

He has calmed my hurting
He has healed my pain
He has filled me with his Holy fire

Jesus Christ
Lord over all the Earth
He saved my life
From the sinner that I was

I will shout
I will sing
I will let his praises ring

I owe him
All my life and love
I need him
To show me his awesome love

I will shot
I will sing
I will let his praises ring

His Blood

When his blood flowed from the cross, my old life was tossed
Into the fiery abyss that life I  will not miss
For I will forever live my life for Christ who died to give me life
His death was not in vain because his blood washed away my sinful stain
Yes, my old life was lost when his blood flowed from the cross

Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father
Please do not reject me
Don't turn your back on me

I know
I have strayed from your path
I have gone my own way
I have hurt others

I am down upon my knees
I am begging you please
Take me back
Foregive my siways
Show me the truth
Of your love and mercy


I have a home
Where the Angels do roam
Far up in Heaven above
Where I play all day
Without any pain
I’m filled with GOD’s holy love

I sit all day
By that crystal clear lake
I stare at those golden streets
I laugh .I sing, and remember how much you do love me

Jesus, Lord of my life
I know you brought me through strife
Your praise I’ll sing
My voice shall ring
As I praise the one above

Pictures taken from around the farm

Life (Bible study)

Job 12:10 In his hand is the life of every creature, and the breathe of all mankind.
With his hands he created the Heavens and the Earth.  With his hands he created the oceans and all life that dwells in the deep.  With his hands he created the sky and all birds the fly , with his hands he created the land and the creatures who dwell upon it.  With his hands he created humans.  Guess what, it all started with God.  From the forning of the cosmos, to the creation of life upon this planet, God did it all

Pictures taken at the city park Bolivar Missouri

Pitures of the sky

Love Your enemies (Bible study)

Matthew 5:44 - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

I will Praise Him

With Jesus as my Lord
I'll take my stand
To shine his bright light
Within this dark land
Sending my demonds and mistakes
To the grave
Free from sin
I'm gonna say
Jesus is my Lord
I will praise him

Connection (Holy Teaching)

Our connection to God is through Christ Jesus. His righteousness imputed to us, through his sacrifice as he was crucified on the cross and then resurrected  on the third day.
So believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth, that Jesus Christ is Lord, and you will be saved. Then being a believer go get baptized and take the Lord's supper as often as you can, because we do this in remembrance of him and if we remember him, we will not be led astray by any foolishness.

I will Always Praise Him

Jesus is my Savior
Jesus is my king
I will always praise him
I will always sing

I will praise him
Until the day I die
I will praise him
He's the reason I'm alive

When the dark clouds of this life
Begin to roll in
Jesus pushes them away
And lets the sun shine in

Jesus is my Savior
Jesus is my king
I will always praise him
I will always sing

I will praise him
Until the day I die
I will praise him
He's the reason I'm alive

When the darkness
Over takes my way
He takes me by the hand
And guides me upon his way

Jesus is my Savior
Jesus is my king
I will always praise him
I will always sing

I will praise him
Until the day I die
I will praise him
He's the reason I'm alive

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...