Wednesday, September 4, 2019


King of kings
Lord of lords
There is no other like you
Upon this Earth

Bestow onto us your mercy and grace
For we have wandered far
Far from your way
Far from the true path
Far from your love

Teach us Jesus
Your wisdom and your truth
Teach us Jesus
Guide us
As we have become lost

Bring us back into the fold
Back to your loving arms
Back home

Take the darkness within us
Place it in your Heavenly forge
Until it is part of the plan you have for each of us
A tool to better the world around us

Help us to cast off our selfishness
Help us to reach out to others
May we see the hurting around us
May we be driven to help them
In whatever way we can
May it bring glory to you
May they to choose to follow you

This world is full of dark tunnels
May your light guide us
Safely to the other side

Make us soldiers of the cross
Meeting evil head on
And destroying it with your word

May we watch high and low
Taking out the enemy one by one
Rescuing those they have held captive
Bringing them to your knowledge and truth
So when they are good and ready
They may join the fight

Open our blind eyes
For we have been blinded by the things of this world
Open them so we may see
Your mercy
Your grace
Your truth
Your love
Open them so we may see
This world as it truly is

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock