Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Live by faith (Bible study)

The Bible says that, "The just shall live by Faith" (Habakkuk 2:4).

We learn in John ch 1 that "Faith" is the "substance", [translated], "confidence" of  things "hoped for" and  our evidence in the unseen realm of the spirit.

The "enemy" is after your "Faith", he is after your "Confidence."

Fear is his weapon of choice, fear produces doubt, anxiety, worry, all the "fruit" that leads to "death" not life,  Proverbs (18:21).

It really doesn't matter how good God is, if we are not "Confident" in who we are in Him knowing that we "qualify" for His goodness,  we will still be bound in this life...

"Fear IS a Liar" ....

~We must Trust in JESUS~ ✝️

"The Just Shall Live By FAITH."

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock