Friday, September 6, 2019

I believe

I believe in God the father
I believe in Christ his son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Three person tied into one
I believe in the reserection
I believe he conquered death
I believ he is living
And will return again
I believe

I believe I am not alone
He walks with me everyday
I ve he still loves me
Even when I stray
I believe hr is faithful
His love and mercy run true
I believe he loves his family
That includes both me and you
I believe

I belive he's everlasting
No beging and no end
I believe he will guide me
Upon my weary way
I believe his word is true
No matter what others say
I belive he will refine me
I believe he will make me pure
I believe

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock