Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Children of God (holy teachind)

 KJV, St. Matthew chapter 5 VS 44-46 But I say unto you, Love your ENEMIES, BLESS THEM, that CURSE YOU, do GOOD to THEM, that HATE YOU, and PRAY for THEM, which DISPITEFULLY USE YOU, and PERSECUTE YOU; That YOU may be the CHILDREN of YOUR FATHER which is in HEAVEN: for He makes His sun to RISE on the EVIL, and the GOOD, and sends RAIN on the JUST, and UNJUST. (Note, We never know what walk of life someone else may have at that point of time, what doors they have opened for unclean spirits to posses them, by them willingly sinning, and need prayer, and deliverance from evil through the power of God. We have to look past the person, and recognize that some may have many demons and devils in them, that are housing their bodies. Yes, it is the person's fault as well, but as our Lord God commands us, is to love one another, and pray for one another! We all need the Salvation of our Holy Lord Jesus Christ! Do NOT WELCOME the EVIL, for those who love and fear our Lord God, hate evil sin.)
 For if YOU LOVE THEM which LOVE YOU, what REWARD have you? Do not even the publicans the same? (Note, In other words, it is easy to love someone who loves us, but the true sacrifice is to love those who do not love us! This is where God's difference is made through us. He gave His life on the cross for us, even when we were not worthy of it, and full of sin!)
 And if you SALUTE your brethren ONLY, what DO you more than OTHERS? Do not even the PUBLICANS so?
 Be you therefore PERFECT, even as your FATHER which is in HEAVEN is PERFECT. (Note, In other words our Lord God sets the bar HIGH, WE MUST BE PERFECT, even as our FATHER in heaven is PERFECT! We must not allow room for error as this world tries to teach us to do. We always here them say, oh no bodies perfect, that is ok. When we accept their teachings, which come from the teachings of Satan, and most of them do not know it, they just heard it along the way, and accepted it. We then receive it for ourselves, therefore saying it is ok to sin a little bit, and the more a little bit becomes, the more the little is a lot, the more close we get to HELL FIRE! It is not ok to sin! That is why the Lord calls it a sacrifice of righteousness. A sacrifice is not to be taken lightly!
 This world is so full of, so many people walking, and thinking it is ok to sin, that we who follow God's commandments become a rare breed, but that is ok, for greater is our reward in heaven for eternity. We must love, and pray for others, everyone needs the Salvation of our Blessed, Beloved, Lord Jesus Christ!) Amen and Amen

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  Sunflowers in the field Standing tall Standing still Like guards keeping watch Over the farm And it's flock