Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fear (Rant)

People fear what they do not understand.  In fact some of these fears get so out of hand.  People will create a whole belief system, to protect them from the evil of those fears.  Become closeminded people. Shuting off everything that they do not understand, simply because they don’t want to take the time to learn, educate themselves, expand their mind.  It happens in every religion. People who are so narrow minded that they don’t see that they are hurting their cause instead of helping it.

If we open our minds, open our hearts, and open our souls.  We quickly relize the world is much larger, and much more rich.  Than our narrow minded veiws let us believe. If we could just learn to accept every human being as brothers and sisters.  We would have no time to consider the stuff that seperates us. Instead we would see each other as members of the human family.  No matter whar part of the world you are from

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