Sunday, March 1, 2020

Holy Teaching

The church of God is made up of many people.  However people and ideas change over the years.  If the church of God does not change with the people.  The church of God will fall. Now don’t misunderstand me, the message of the Gospel stays the same.  What needs to change in the church is how that message is presented to the people who need to hear it.  What also needs to change is how we present ourselves to other people.

The first part.  Like I said the message stays the same.  However, what got you and your parents through those church doors.  May not get the younger generation. What got you and your parents to stay in church may not get the younger generation to stay in church.  Don’t be afraid to ask if there is a better way we can reach the community. Ask if anyone has any ideas for the service. Don’t just do he same old thing, because it is what has been done for years.  If you truly want more young people in your church. You need to figure out what will draw them in.

The second part is quite simple.  Live the message you preach. Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your own life. 

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