Friday, May 12, 2017

In America

In America
Children are being abused
Beaten bloody by an outraged parent
Thrown against the wall
Left in a bloody heap

In America
Children are being abused
Taken advantage of
Stripped of their
And childhood

In America
Children are being abused
Beaten by bullies
Laughed at
by those who were supposed to be thir freinds

In America
Children are being abused

It needs to stop

Thursday, May 11, 2017


After a day of hiking
I set up camp and light a fire
As I do I begin to sing praises to God
As the fire begins to kindle
I begin to sway
To the rythem God has place in
My heart
My soul
My entire being
As the flames grow bigger
I start to dance
I dance joyfully
I dance fully
Dancing around the campfire
Just letting myself go
Letting the rythem take me
Letting my feet go as they will
The bigger the flames get
The more profound and intense
The rythem
The joy
The shear pleasure of just being at one with myself
At one with praising God
At one with the Holy Spirit
The bigger the flames get
The more profound and intense
My emotions
My joy
The faster I dance
The more energy I pour out
I dance for the joy of dancing
I dance and sing God’s praises
Later the fire burns out
The coals get cold
I continue to dance
For the fire now burns in
My soul
My spirit
The very core of who I am

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Sang to the tune og "Blaze of glory" by Bon Jovi

Woke up this morning
Raised my weary head
A knapsack for my pillow
A park bench for my bed
There’s a police man yelling at me
names running through my head
I’m a man on a mission
Preaching out salvation
With my Bible in my hand

I was born into this world with a mission and a plan
Preaching out the good word across this barren land
I know the task will not be easy but with the lord I’ll take my stand
Preaching about Jesus and the devil, about Cain and Able, and about the promise land

I’m preaching out your words of glory
Saving lives with the truth
I’m preaching out your words of glory
You sent your son to die for me so now I give my life to you

As I walk across the world and see the soulless sin of men
I pray the lord’s forgiveness will be placed upon their heads
I pray for my own forgiveness for I to am a sinful man
For I’ve seen God’s glory that he sent to me to help me change my ways

I’m preaching out your words of glory
Saving lives with the truth
I’m preaching out your words of glory
You sent your son to die for me, so now I give my life to you

As I lie down at night
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
I pray forgiveness for everyone that I meet
Lord I have to ask a favor and I hope you understand
For I’ve lived life to the fullest as a boy and I want to die like a man
Starring down the devil let me make my stand

So he can be shot down
with your words of glory
saving lives with the truth
I’m preaching out your words of glory
You sent your son to die for me

So now I give my life to you  

The Dark Horse

The dark horse comes
Death is on it’s way
The dark horse comes
The rider brings dismay
He’s after my soul
He wont let go

The dark horse comes
I will not run
The dark horse comes
The death race has begun
He comes with hooves striking the stone
Sparks flare up within it’s path
He comes for the life
That is my own

The dark horse comes
It’s eyes are bloodshot red
The dark horse comes
The sight of which
Makes you dread
Fire flares from every opening
Blood flows free and clear
It is the thing
Of every fear

The dark horse comes
It rides through the night
The dark horse comes
What a troublesome sight
Every worst nightmare
However I can not help but stare

The dark horse comes
It’s hair midnight black
The dark horse comes
upon the ground it leaves no tracks
It moves with silent haste
It deals death
There is no waste

The dark horse comes

Whose rider is death

Come sail away

Come sail away
To a land of pure immagination
Come sail away
To a land of your heart's desire

All is possible
All is true
Within this land
Nothing is old
Everything new

No one grows old
No aches
No pain
Sadness is gone
No tears falling like rain

Your fondest wish comes true
Before the words even exsit your mouth
right there in front of you

So come sail away
Come along with me
Come sail away
Be forever free

Bones (short story)

The bones of the past
They haunt me
The blood of the past
Spills over me like a waterfall
The sins of the past
Causes many tears

I had a dream one night
I was walking through a field of complete waste
Bones started coming out of the ground
Voices from these remains
Started shouting accusing me of such shame
As punishment I am to walk the land
Alone until the end of time

A stack of bone lies in the middle of the field
The skulls start their chanting of accusation
“You left me hungry”
“You did not cloth me”
“You left me out in the cold”
On and on the accusations came without end
Blood starts in the center of the stack and is forced outward
Before the blood reaches me I move on

The ghosts of my victims Float around me
Taunting me and shouting their curses
They throw their bones at me
I beg for forgiveness
However they give me none

I woke in a pool of sweat
Tears streaming from my face
“I am sorry “I shout
“I am sorry”

Their bones forever haunt me
Their blood seeps into my skin
Their voices constantly scream
I can run

I can not hide


There within the pit of darkness
Within my soul
The depth of which
yet untold

There is a darkness
Growing in my heart
Threatening to tear my world apart

For all that darkness
I can't see
Who it is
I truly be


All well up inside me
Like a deep pit

I try to climb out
Put I slip
And fall back in

Is there no light for me?
Is there no laughter?
Why all the darkness?

Why all the suffering?

Buffalo Wings

Buffalo wings
All you can eat day

How many can you eat?


The color of friendship
The color of passion

Combine the two
You get my favorite color

Energetic friendship
Energetic passion

The color of energy
The color of AWESOME


I Scream
There is no sound
I feel the sorrow of saddness
I feel the need to voice my cause
No Sound

I try to call out
I seem to be
Through the tears
Through the hurt
No sound

Comes from me

Stop laughing at me

Stop laughing at me
I did not ask to be
The single one in the family
I did not ask for
The problems I have
Can I not be loved as well
Can I not have that special someone

Can I not feel the joy the rest of you do


Tears of hurt
Tears of pain
Tears of sorrow
Tears of laughter
Tears of joy from hearing the sweet voices of little girls and boys
Tears from the maddening
Tears from the insane
Tears from a man simple and plain
Tears for the loss of a trusted friend
Tears for the solder who may never come home alive again
Tears for the baby just born
Tears for the child whose parents just scorned
Tears for the weak
Tears for the sick
Tears for the one in the fight who got licked
Tears for the hungry
Tears for the poor
Tears for those who are just sore
Tears for the living
Tears for the dead
Tears for the voices screaming inside my head
Tears for the working soul in the field
Tears for those who may never speak or never hear
Tears for those whose freedom is taken away
Tears for those who fight and never sway
Tears for the lonely and the old

Tears for the homeless and the cold

Space cat

  there was a little cat of the furry sort and he used to dream he was an astronaut climbing in his rocket heading to the stars landing down...